GalCiv4:Anomaly Events Table

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The Derelict

The Derelict

Your flagship has discovered a derelict ship drifting in space. It appears to contain an artifact with the power to repair a fleet anywhere in the galaxy. What do you want to do with it?

Choice Outcome
Take the artifact.

Acquire the ability to repair a fleet anywhere in the galaxy.

Extract the raw materials from it.

  • +500 Credits
  • +2 Elerium

The Specter's Grasp

The Specter's Grasp

Awaiting our ship in the silent void is the Specter's Grasp, an enigmatic artifact radiating a knowledge-imbuing energy.

Choice Outcome
Bring the artifact on board.

This artifact appears to give vast insights when used allowing us to gain a lot of research knowledge at once.

Extract maximum power from the artifact, regardless of potential risks.

  • +0.01 Crime
  • +1% Research

Broken Teleporter Artifact

Broken Teleporter Artifact

Our exploration has led us to an artifact of Precursor origin, a device once capable of bending the fabric of spacetime to instantly relocate their vessels to chosen coordinates. Regrettably, the ravages of time have not been kind. The artifact's pinpoint precision has faded into erratic uncertainty - our researchers warn that activation will now result in a random spatial displacement. Nevertheless, this unpredictable characteristic could be tactically advantageous, providing us a means to displace unwelcome fleets into the vast, unknown reaches of space.

Choice Outcome
Take the artifact.

Artifact goes to the vault.

Attempt to deconstruct the artifact into its original components.

The valuable elements that make up the artifact will provide us with some instant credits.

  • +100 Credits

The Elusive Beast in a Cage

The Elusive Beast in a Cage

Our flagship has come across a drifting artifact that houses a monstrous entity of unknown origin. Will we dare to use it as a tool of destruction, or harness its potential to further our knowledge?

Choice Outcome
Store it in our vault.

We place the snare into our artifact vault.

Experiment on it.

It probably won't feel too much pain. But it is a sacrifice we are willing to make for us to get some valuable research.

  • +30 Research Amount

Smuggler's Hideout Treasure

Smuggler's Hideout Treasure

Our flagship has stumbled upon an abandoned smuggler's hideout, brimming with a treasure trove of riches. The smuggler is nowhere to be seen. We now face a moral dilemma: should we seize this unexpected bounty or respect the unwritten rules of ownership?

Choice Outcome
Claim the Treasure

Taking the treasure could significantly boost our resources, providing a much-needed advantage. However, this action might attract unwanted attention and could tarnish our reputation among other factions.

  • +500 Credits
  • Anger Pirates
Leave the Treasure Untouched

Respecting the principle of ownership, we choose to leave the treasure untouched. This may uphold our moral and ethical standards, but we miss out on a potentially significant opportunity to enhance our resources.

New Shield Technology Discovered

New Shield Technology Discovered

Our flagship has recovered the schematics of a groundbreaking shield technology. This new component, when equipped, promises to add an additional layer of shields to every ship in our fleet, capable of absorbing the first hit from any attack.Of course, it begs the question, who made this?

Choice Outcome
We will keep this ship component in mind for future ship designs.

Implementing this technology will provide our fleet with a significant defensive advantage. While it may not withstand sustained assaults, this additional shielding could be the difference in surviving initial enemy strikes, giving us a critical edge in battle.It will be available in the ship designer.

Encounter with the Sleeper Ship

Encounter with the Sleeper Ship

Our flagship has encountered a mysterious sleeper ship drifting through space. Its chambers are filled with alien passengers in cryogenic slumber, on a course set for the deep core of the galaxy. The origin and purpose of their journey remain unknown.

Choice Outcome
Allow the Ship to Continue Its Journey

Respecting the sleeper ship's voyage, we choose to let it continue on its path to the galaxy's core. This decision upholds the sanctity of their mission, whatever it may be, but leaves us with unanswered questions about their origins and destination.

Terminate the Passengers and Salvage the Ship

Choosing to terminate the alien passengers for the sake of salvaging any advanced technology on the sleeper ship is a drastic and morally questionable decision. While it may yield technological gains, it comes with the heavy burden of ending countless alien lives.

  • +30 Research Amount
  • Murdered Sleepers
Awaken the Passengers and Initiate Contact

Waking up the alien passengers to initiate contact could provide valuable insights into their culture and technology. However, this decision carries risks, as their reaction to being awakened prematurely and confronted by an unknown species is unpredictable. You gain a colony ship

  • Awards a colony ship with a Slyne colonist.

Discovery of AI Planetary Monitor Plans

Discovery of AI Planetary Monitor Plans

Your flagship has come across ancient plans for a semi-sentient AI designed to monitor and reduce crime on planets.

Choice Outcome
Implement the AI Planetary Monitor to reduce crime on a selected planet.

By implementing these AI plans, we can significantly reduce crime rates, leading to a safer and more productive colony.

  • Security Monitor
  • +2 Precursor Nanites
Sell the plans for a substantial amount of credits.

  • +436 Credits
Extract resources from the discovery instead of using the plans.

  • +6 Elerium
  • +8 Precursor Nanites

Discovery of Core Tap Plans

Discovery of Core Tap Plans

Our fleet has uncovered abandoned plans and a unique power source for a Core Tap, a device capable of harnessing the energy of a planet's core. This find presents us with several lucrative options.

Choice Outcome
Secure the plans.

Using the plans and power source, we can build a Core Tap on our core worlds, greatly enhancing our production capabilities. This advanced technology could give us a significant advantage but may also carry unknown risks.

  • Core Tap Plans
  • +2 Precursor Nanites
Sell the Plans and Power Source

By selling the plans and power source, we could make a substantial profit immediately. This option provides a financial boost but forfeits the opportunity to potentially revolutionize our energy infrastructure.

  • +372 Credits
Extract Resources from the Power Source

Extracting the raw resources from the unique power source could yield valuable materials for our current projects, offering an immediate practical benefit but losing the potential of the Core Tap technology.

  • +5 Precursor Nanites

Ancient Library Satellite Discovered

Ancient Library Satellite Discovered

Our flagship has stumbled upon a derelict satellite, an ancient library filled with unknown knowledge. Its origins and contents are a mystery, and it presents a unique opportunity to uncover lost secrets or technological advancements.

Choice Outcome
Conduct a Detailed Study

By choosing to study the satellite, we can unlock ancient knowledge and giving us an immediate research boost.

  • +30 Research Amount
Sell the Satellite for Immediate Benefits

Opting to sell the satellite will bring us much needed hard currency.

  • +261 Credits
Extract the resources from the satellite
  • +4 Precursor Nanites

Derelict Mining Drone

Derelict Mining Drone

Our flagship finds a derelict mining drone, drifting aimlessly in space. The drone appears to be from an advanced civilization and is still functional. Your engineers manage to reprogram and repair the drone. Upon confirmation, the drone is added your fleet, providing increased mining capabilities and efficiency for resource gathering.

Choice Outcome
Reprogram the drone to enhance general resource gathering capabilities.

  • +1 Helios Ore
Reprogram the drone to focus on gathering Durantium.

  • +1 Durantium

Celestial Art Exhibition

Celestial Art Exhibition

Our flagship encounters an awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon that seems to be a form of cosmic art created by an unknown species. The vivid display of colors and patterns has a profound impact on the crew and sparks a wave of creativity throughout the civilization. Upon confirmation, your civilization gains a one-time culture boost, which could help with diplomacy and influence.

Choice Outcome
Embrace the cosmic inspiration giving our worlds additional influence.

  • +100 Influence

Abandoned Research Outpost

Abandoned Research Outpost

Your flagship has discovered an abandoned research outpost in deep space. The outpost appears to have been deserted for quite some time, but the advanced technology inside is still in working condition.

Choice Outcome
Investigate the outpost and retrieve the valuable scientific data.

+25 Research

  • +25 Research Amount

Artifact of Joy and Resources

Artifact of Joy and Resources

Your flagship discovers an ancient artifact, a mysterious object imbued with immense power. This artifact can either be harnessed to provide a massive energy spike for our Shipyards or used to generate an aura of euphoria on a target planet, uplifting the mood of its inhabitants and providing a temporary boost to productivity.

Choice Outcome
Channel the artifact's energy to temporarily enhance manufacturing on our worlds.

  • +1 Max Manufacturing
Secure the artifact in the vault for later use.

Gain a charge for the artifact Harmony Beacon.

Precursor Artifact Cache

Precursor Artifact Cache

Your flagship locates a hidden cache of Precursor artifacts, left behind by the ancient civilization. These artifacts are not only valuable but also hold clues to the advanced technologies of the Precursors.

Choice Outcome
Extract resources from the artifacts.

  • +1 Durantium
Add the artifact into the vault.

Gain a charge for the artifact Inspire Scientists.

Mysterious Energy Source

Mysterious Energy Source

Your flagship detects an unusual energy signature coming from a nearby asteroid. Upon investigation, the crew finds a stable and potent energy source that can be harnessed to enhanced the manufacturing of our planets.

Choice Outcome
Utilize the energy source to temporarily increase manufacturing on our worlds.

  • +5 Max Manufacturing

Lost Cargo Container

Lost Cargo Container

Your flagship comes across a drifting cargo container, seemingly abandoned and adrift in space for years. The container is filled with valuable trade goods and rare resources.

Choice Outcome
Acquire the valuable goods to boost your economy for many months.

  • +5% Colony Gross Income

Ancient Star Map

Ancient Star Map

Your flagship discovers an ancient star map etched into the surface of a seemingly insignificant moon. The map reveals that there is a very valuable planet relatively close to our current location.

Choice Outcome
Seek out the high quality planet in a nearby star system.

  • Find an undiscovered and uninhabited planet.

Enigmatic Monolith

Enigmatic Monolith

Your flagship discovers an enigmatic monolith floating in space, emitting a mysterious energy that seems to resonate with the crew's thoughts. Studying the monolith provides a temporary boost to the crew's problem-solving abilities.

Choice Outcome
Gain a one-time burst of knowledge.

+10% of Research needed for current Research Center project.

  • +10% Research Completion

Lost Explorer's Log

Lost Explorer's Log

Our flagship finds the remains of a long-lost explorer's vessel, along with a detailed log of their discoveries. This log contains invaluable information on various planets, anomalies, and points of interest throughout the galaxy. Upon confirmation, your civilization finds a previously unknown world available to be settled on.

Choice Outcome
Use the log to chart new paths.

  • Find an undiscovered and uninhabited planet.

Mapping Artifact

Mapping Artifact

During the thorough analysis of the artifact, your research team has unearthed an astonishing discovery - it is a reservoir of colossal energy. The scientists in your crew are confident that they can channel this raw power to propel our civilization forward. Yet, a dissenting perspective suggests that this energy could be utilized as a cosmic key, opening up uncharted dimensions of the cosmos, and revealing secrets of space hitherto unknown.

Choice Outcome
Harvest the artifact's energy and gain a valuable resource.

  • +1 Durantium
Store the artifact in the vault.

Store the artifact so that it can be used later to gain vision over a distant part of the galaxy.Gain a charge for the artifact Distant Vision.

The Ancient Artifact

The Ancient Artifact

Your fleet stumbles upon an ancient artifact floating in the depths of space. Its origin is unknown. It is made of the strange metal our scientists call Durantium. The purpose of this artifact is lost to time but we can still make use of its raw materials.

Choice Outcome
Harvest the artifact's energy and gain a valuable resource.

  • +1 Durantium

The Ancient Artifact

The Ancient Artifact

Your flagship arrives at the strange artifact. What it once did can only be known to the ancient Precursors. However, within the depths of it is a container holding valuable Antimatter. Your crew carefully remove the Antimatter and put it into storage for later use.

Choice Outcome
Harvest the artifact's energy and gain a valuable resource.

  • +1 Antimatter

Encounter with the Monstrous Cage

Encounter with the Monstrous Cage

Our ship has stumbled upon a peculiar artifact adrift in the cold void of space. It appears to be a cage, but not for any ordinary creature. This containment unit was designed for something... monstrous. We have two clear options: keep the artifact and possibly unleash the beast at a strategic moment, or study the cage's advanced technology, risking the inadvertent release of the captive creature.

Choice Outcome
Keep the artifact. This monster might serve a purpose.

Take the cage into our possession, ready to release the monster when needed.

Study the cage's technology. We can deal with the monster.

Dissect the artifact for its advanced technology, advancing our own scientific knowledge in the current research topic. This may haunt us later.

  • +25 Research Amount

Unearthed Arnorian Integrity Device

Unearthed Arnorian Integrity Device

An intriguing discovery has been made - a device from the long-gone Arnor civilization. Its structure suggests it might be used to enhance the structural integrity of our fleet. Alternatively, its exotic materials could fetch a good price on the interstellar market.

Choice Outcome
Preserve and Utilize

Gain a charge for the artifact Arnor Halo.

Dismantle and Trade

Disassemble the artifact and sell the resulting materials on the market for a substantial amount of credits.

  • +100 Credits

Precursor Terraforming Device

Precursor Terraforming Device

Our flagship has discovered an artifact of the ancient Precursors. It appears to be a device of terraforming capabilities, seemingly able to upgrade a planet's class by an entire level. We could store it for future use or dismantle it to obtain valuable resources.

Choice Outcome
Secure the Artifact

Store the artifact in our vault for potential future terraforming purposes.Gain a charge for the artifact Chimeric Biomass.

Harvest its Resources

Dismantle the artifact and sell the extracted resources on the interstellar market.

  • +450 Credits

The Dread Lord's Harbinger

The Dread Lord's Harbinger

Our flagship has discovered an artifact, suspected to be of Dread Lord origin. It's a weapon of terrifying power, able to instantly damage an entire enemy fleet. We must decide whether to preserve it for potential usage or dismantle it for valuable resources.

Choice Outcome
Secure the weapon artifact.

Keep the artifact in our vault, harnessing its potential to damage enemy fleets when needed.Gain a charge for the artifact Betatron Collider.

Dismantle for resources.

Disassemble the weapon and sell the obtained resources on the galactic market.

  • +150 Credits

Arnor's Legacy

Arnor's Legacy

Our flagship has stumbled upon an artifact of the ancient Arnor civilization. It is a device with the stunning capability to transform lifeless worlds into habitable ones. Should we preserve it or harvest it for parts?

Choice Outcome
Preserve the past.

Take the artifact. Store it in our vaults. We may find a world worthy of its power.Gain a charge for the artifact Spores of Yggdrasil.

Profit from the past.

Break down the artifact and sell its components. Let's profit from this ancient technology.

  • +100 Credits

The Nanite Warship Maker

The Nanite Warship Maker

Our flagship has discovered an artifact from an unknown, long-gone civilization. Inside, we found sophisticated Nanites capable of assembling a powerful, automated warship. Do we harness this power, or do we disassemble it for profit?

Choice Outcome
Command a warship.

Preserve the artifact. The potential of commanding an ancient warship could shift the balance of power in our favor.Gain a charge for the artifact Nanite Transmitter.

Harvest for resources.

  • +150 Credits

A lost but now found Survey Module

A lost but now found Survey Module

Our flagship has stumbled upon a lost cargo container drifting through space. It's marked with several unfamiliar alien symbols and we suspect it might contain some valuable contents. Inside, we find a survey module, one of the rarest items we know of. Survey modules are what make a flagship a "Flagship" in that they contain a vast array of specialized tools and sensors for dealing with the anomalies that litter the galaxy.

Choice Outcome
Store the survey module in our vault.

We will be able to make an existing ship able to survey anomalies.

Mine it for resources, who knows what's inside.

  • +5 Promethion
Sell the whole mystery box. Let someone else deal with it.

  • +500 Credits

The Cosmic Needler

The Cosmic Needler

Our flagship has stumbled across a curious sight. A drifting Precursor cargo container. An intense sense of excitement fills the bridge as we approach. Initial scans indicate the container houses an advanced particle beam that is remarkably small even if not particularly powerful. The component is filled with a high concentration of Promethium.

Choice Outcome
Send the component to our shipyards.

This component will be available for our next flagship design. The engineers are already brimming with ideas.

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Precursor Particle Beam
Extract the Promethium. We could always use more resources.

  • +3 Promethion
Sell the lot on the Galactic Market. In hard credits we trust!

  • +600 Credits

The Enigma of Hyperspace

The Enigma of Hyperspace

Our flagship has detected an ancient cargo container, drifting aimlessly in the void. This appears to be a relic from the Precursor Wars! Inside we find a fully intact Arnorian Drive system, a ship component that is remarkably small for its size. It could be attached to a ship to increase its speed. Alternatively, we could harvest a significant quantity of Thulium from it or sell it to the highest bidder. What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Send the Precursor drive back home.

This drive will be available when we design a new ship.

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Precursor Engine
Harvest it for valuable resources.

  • +3 Thulium
Sell the artifact on the Galactic Market.

  • +300 Credits

Lost Cargo - Survey Module

Lost Cargo - Survey Module

Your ship has stumbled upon a cargo hold lost in the vastness of space. It contains an advanced Survey Module, possibly from an ancient civilization. This module could be used to give an existing ship the ability to investigate anomalies. Alternatively, it can be broken down into valuable antimatter or sold for credits.

Choice Outcome
Store the survey module in our vault.

We will be able to make an existing ship able to survey anomalies.

Break down the survey module for its components.

  • +2 Antimatter
Sell the survey module for credits.

Convert the survey module into a substantial amount of credits.

  • +150 Credits

A Surprise in Space: The Precursor Food Replicator

A Surprise in Space: The Precursor Food Replicator

Our ship has stumbled upon a lost cargo container adrift in the vastness of space. After some time deciphering the ancient glyphs on the exterior, we've identified the contents - a Precursor Food Replicator. This device of incredible tech can synthesize food from nearly anything, greatly increasing the range of any ship equipped with it. Fancy an endless supply of alien space wafers?

Choice Outcome
Integrate this into our starship culinary department.

This component will be available in our vault ready to be added to a starship, significantly extending their travel range. Plus, the crew will be happier thanks to the endless supplies of nutrient wafers!Gain a charge for the artifact Ancient Food Replicator.

Extract Promethion from it.

  • +1 Promethion
Sell it on the galactic market for credits.

  • +200 Credits

The Guilt Magnifier

The Guilt Magnifier

As our ship glides through the silent vacuum of space, it stumbles upon a lost cargo container. Opening the container reveals an extraordinary device capable of amplifying guilty feelings. Our psychological analysts speculate that installing this 'Guilt Magnifier' on a Core world could drastically reduce crime rates. We might have just found the galactic equivalent of a conscience!

Choice Outcome
Store this in the vault for later deployment.

Gain a charge for the artifact Guilt Magnifier.

Break down the device and extract the precious Durantium inside.

  • +1 Durantium
Sell the Guilt Magnifier on the Galactic Market for some credits.

  • +200 Credits

A Lost Weapon Jammer

A Lost Weapon Jammer

We've encountered a derelict cargo container drifting in the dark vastness of space. The container isn't the interesting part, it's what is inside: A Weapon Targeting Jammer! This device could be installed on one of our ships to increase its ability to evade enemy weapons.

Choice Outcome
Add the Weapon Jammer to our vault.

Gain a charge for the artifact Prototype Warhead.

Extract the Thulium. We need that more.

  • +2 Thulium
Sell it.

  • +200 Credits

Lost Energy Weapon Discovery

Lost Energy Weapon Discovery

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. Upon inspection, a mysterious energy weapon is found inside. The weapon appears to be of unknown origin and technology, with the potential to be a powerful asset.

Choice Outcome
Store the energy weapon in the vault for future use.

Gain a charge for the artifact Energy Infuser.

Sell the energy weapon for credits.

  • +400 Credits

Mysterious Missile Cache

Mysterious Missile Cache

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. Upon inspection, it contains an advanced missile weapon prototype. The device is unlike anything seen before, and its origin remains a mystery. It could be used to add missile weapons to one of our ships.

Choice Outcome
Store the missile weapon in our vault for later use.

Keep the advanced missile weapon prototype in our vault allowing it to be installed on a ship later.Gain a charge for the artifact Prototype Warhead.

Sell the missile weapon for credits.

  • +500 Credits

Lost Kinetic Weapon

Lost Kinetic Weapon

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a mysterious cargo container floating in space. Upon inspection, it contains an advanced kinetic weapon of unknown origin. It is some sort of self-replicating mass-driver. It could be a valuable addition to your arsenal or sold for credits.

Choice Outcome
Store the weapon in our vault for later use.

You decide to keep the weapon, storing it in your vault for future use. Its advanced technology may help one of your ships survive a battle.Gain a charge for the artifact Mass Driver Module.

Sell the weapon for credits.

  • +100 Credits

Lost Cargo: Tactical Thruster Upgrade

Lost Cargo: Tactical Thruster Upgrade

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a drifting cargo container in deep space. Upon inspection, it contains a highly advanced tactical thruster upgrade device, seemingly lost by another civilization. This thruster could be added to one of our ships making it be able to get into firing range faster, a possibly critical advantage.

Choice Outcome
Store the device in the vault for later use.

You decide to secure the newly discovered tactical thruster upgrade device in your vault, for future research and potential implementation into your fleet. This could provide a significant advantage over your adversaries in future conflicts.Gain a charge for the artifact Tactical Thruster Upgrade Module.

Sell the device for credits.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Engine Upgrade Module

Lost Engine Upgrade Module

Your flagship's captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. Upon investigation, it appears to contain a rare and valuable engine upgrade module that can increase a ship's speed through Hyperspace. The captain awaits your orders on how to proceed with this discovery.

Choice Outcome
Store the module in our vault for future use.

Bring the engine upgrade module back to our civilization's vault for safekeeping and potential future use. Add to one of your ships to increase its speed.Gain a charge for the artifact Stardrive Module.

Sell the module for credits

  • +400 Credits

Lost Atmospheric Filter

Lost Atmospheric Filter

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a mysterious cargo container floating in the void. Upon inspection, it contains an advanced Pollution Remover Module of unknown origin. It filters out the pollutants in the atmosphere. The deciphered writing is from the container indicates that it was 'too expensive' and was being returned. This device could be a valuable asset in maintaining planetary ecosystems or sold for a tidy profit.

Choice Outcome
Store the module in the vault for later use.

Secure the Pollution Remover Module in your vault, allowing it to be used on one of our various despoiled worlds. You, obviously being the despoiler in this scenario. This device could help give the illusion you care about the ecosystems of our worlds.Gain a charge for the artifact Atmospheric Cleanser.

Sell out for money.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Armor Module

Lost Armor Module

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container drifting in space. Inside, they found a mysterious and advanced armor module that can be applied to a starship. It seems to be of great value, but its true potential is yet to be unlocked.

Choice Outcome
Store the Armor Module in our vault.

Store the armor module in your vault and keep it for future use. Its potential may prove invaluable in future engagements, providing increased protection to a target ship.Gain a charge for the artifact Armor Plate Module.

Sell the Armor Module.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Planetary Broadcaster

Lost Planetary Broadcaster

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. Upon further inspection, it appears to contain an ancient, yet functional Planetary Broadcaster device. The device is intended to send out a one-time burst of entertainment related information across a wide area. If it were used on a planet, it would greatly increase the planet's influence.

Choice Outcome
Store the Planetary Broadcaster in the vault.

Deciding to keep the device, you store the planetary broadcaster in your vault for future use. Apply it to a planet that is struggling against foreign influence for best results.Gain a charge for the artifact Planetary Broadcaster Module.

Sell the Planetary Broadcaster for credits.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Planetary Culture Module

Lost Planetary Culture Module

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a mysterious cargo container floating in space. Upon opening it, the crew finds an ancient device that upon study appears to have a vast catalog of the cultural significance of every planet in the galaxy. This is a remarkable treasure. Unfortunately, the device is obviously very old and likely only able to be used once. It could be used to uncover the cultural value of any planet we choose.

Choice Outcome
Store the Planetary Culture Module for later use.

Deciding to keep the Planetary Culture Module for your civilization, you store it in your vault. Its potential to shape the cultural identity of entire planets could prove to be a valuable asset in your future endeavors. It will increase the base cultural significance of the planet you choose.Gain a charge for the artifact Planetary Culture Module.

Dissemble the module and sell the components for money.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Planetary Defense Module

Lost Planetary Defense Module

Your flagship captain reports discovering a lost cargo container adrift in space. Upon inspection, the container houses an advanced Planetary Defense Module, believed to be from a long-forgotten civilization. This mysterious device could prove invaluable to your empire by increasing a given planet's defense capabilities against invasion.

Choice Outcome
Store the defense module in the vault.

Storing this Planetary Defense Module in your vault could provide invaluable protection to your empire's planets in times of conflict. Its advanced technology could potentially prevent a planet from being invaded.Gain a charge for the artifact Planetary Defense Module.

Sell it.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Enemy Destabilizer Module

Lost Enemy Destabilizer Module

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. This device appears to be able to be quietly slipped into orbit of an enemy planet raising that planet's crime rate. A very devious device indeed.

Choice Outcome
Store the Enemy Destabilizer Module.

Choose to store the Enemy Destabilizer Module in your vault. Crime is bad except when it's happening to people you don't like. This device will increase the crime rate of any planet you choose.Gain a charge for the artifact Enemy Destabilizer Module.

Sell the Enemy Destabilizer Module

  • +500 Credits

Lost Enemy Defense Sabotage Module

Lost Enemy Defense Sabotage Module

While exploring the far reaches of space, your flagship stumbles upon a mysterious cargo container. Upon opening it, they discover a highly advanced enemy defense sabotage module. This device permanently reduces an enemy planet's ability to defend against invasion by installing trillions of tiny, self-replicating crystalline orbs that damage the planet's air-based defense systems.

Choice Outcome
Store the module in the vault.

Deciding that the module could prove useful in future invasions, you order your crew to store it securely in the vault.

Sell the module for credits (after taking it apart)

  • +400 Credits

Lost Propagandize Module

Lost Propagandize Module

Your flagship captain reports finding a lost cargo container adrift in space. Upon opening, they discover a sophisticated Propagandize Module capable of swaying enemy citizens' loyalty. The net effect is that it greatly reduces the enemy planet's cultural significance. Will you keep it for future use or sell it for credits?

Choice Outcome
Store the Propagandize Module.

By keeping the Propagandize Module in your vault, you can use it later to reduce the influence of a target planet.Gain a charge for the artifact Demoralizing Artifact.

Take it apart and sell the pieces for money.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Cargo: Poisonous Device

Lost Cargo: Poisonous Device

Your captain reports discovering a lost cargo container in the depths of space. Inside, they found a highly advanced device capable of poisoning an enemy planet's environment. What should be done with this dangerous technology?

Choice Outcome
Store the device in our vault.

The device is carefully stored in your civilization's vault, where it remains available for potential future use.Gain a charge for the artifact Poison Gas Module.

Take it apart and sell the pieces for money.

  • +500 Credits

Lost Syphoning Resources Module

Lost Syphoning Resources Module

As your flagship approaches an abandoned cargo container, it detects an advanced Deplete Resources Module within. This mysterious device has the power to sap the resources of enemy planets. Will you keep this powerful tool or sell it for credits?

Choice Outcome
Store the Deplete Resources Module in the Vault.

By storing the Deplete Resources Module in your vault, you gain the ability to use its power in the future. This device can be deployed to drain resources from enemy planets, giving you a strategic advantage in conflicts.Gain a charge for the artifact Resource Nullification Array.

  • Grants the [[]] artifact.
Sell the Deplete Resources components for money.

  • +500 Credits

Mysterious Cargo: Advanced Mineral Scanner

Mysterious Cargo: Advanced Mineral Scanner

Your captain reports finding a lost cargo container adrift in space. Inside, they discovered an advanced mineral scanner, a device capable of accurately detecting valuable resources on distant planets. It can only be used once but it could still be very valuable. This cutting-edge technology could provide a significant advantage.

Choice Outcome
Store the Mineral Scanner in our vault.

By storing the advanced mineral scanner in your vault, you can utilize its technology to improve resource detection on our planets.Gain a charge for the artifact Mineral Scanner.

Sell the Mineral Scanner for credits.

  • +500 Credits

Lost Cargo: Friendly Planet Tech Finder

Lost Cargo: Friendly Planet Tech Finder

Your flagship captain reports encountering a lost cargo container floating in space. After careful examination, it appears to be a device made by a long-lost civilization to find Precursor technology on planets. The device is very old and in poor shape, but it could still be valuable even if it can only be used once. Do you wish to store this device in your vault or sell it for credits?

Choice Outcome
Store the device in the vault.

This device will increase the base Tech rating of a target planet.Gain a charge for the artifact Tech Finder Scanner.

Sell the device for credits.

  • +400 Credits

Found: Summon Synthetic Leader Device

Found: Summon Synthetic Leader Device

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container, floating through the void of space. As your crew investigates, they find a peculiar device inside, emitting a faint yet mesmerizing glow. With a bit of effort, your team realizes that it is an ancient Precursor device for summoning a prototype Yor advisor.

Choice Outcome
Store the device in the vault.

By using this device you will summon an Ancient (but loyal) Yor as a leader you can assign.Gain a charge for the artifact Summon Leader Module.

Sell the device for credits.

  • +400 Credits

Lost Cargo: Robotic Servants Module

Lost Cargo: Robotic Servants Module

Your flagship captain reports the discovery of a lost cargo container floating in space. Upon opening it, they find an advanced Robotic Servants Module - a device capable of significantly improving the efficiency of a planet's workforce. The choice is yours: store it for future use or sell it for credits?

Choice Outcome
Store the Robotic Servants Module.

By storing the Robotic Servants Module in your vault, you can deploy it on one of your planets at a later time, significantly improving workforce efficiency and productivity.Gain a charge for the artifact Robotic Servants Module.

Sell the Robotic Servants Module.

  • +500 Credits

Encounter with a Robotic Star Drone

Encounter with a Robotic Star Drone

Your flagship captain reports discovering a lost cargo container floating in the void. Upon opening, they reveal a mysterious robotic star drone with advanced technological capabilities. When this drone is deployed, it acts as a small but lethal ship in battle. This could prove useful or profitable.

Choice Outcome
Store the drone in our vault.

By storing the drone, you can analyze its advanced technology and integrate it into your fleet, potentially boosting your fleet's capabilities in future engagements.Gain a charge for the artifact Robotic Star Drone.

  • Grants the [[]] artifact.
Sell the drone for credits.

  • +100 Credits

Gift of the Mithrilar

Gift of the Mithrilar

Your flagship's scans of the Artifact anomaly have uncovered something. A map to a nearby dead star that would normally be invisible to our sensors. A structure, hidden within the carcass of the dead star, whispers of the ancient Mithrilar—a civilization whose shadows outlive the stars themselves. Buried in the celestial mausoleum is a device of their making: a conundrum of metal and mystery that hums with forgotten knowledge. Its cryptic mechanisms promise a leap in cognitive prowess, to awaken genius in the minds of our citizens that could transcend the limitations of biology and time.However, the lead archeologist on the crew warns that this technology was almost certainly not meant for our species at our current stage of development and counsels you to not use it.

Choice Outcome
Activate the artifact and store it in our vault for later use.

The device stirs, its intricate machinery spinning a symphony of cerebral transformation. Across the chosen world, minds awaken to new dimensions of thought. It is poised to be directed towards uplifting one of our core worlds.

Cast the device into oblivion, this device is too dangerous.

As the device disintegrates, a cascade of light is all that marks its passing. The decision weighs heavy, a testament to caution over the hunger for ascendancy. In the silent aftermath, one can only hope the whispers of the Mithrilar will not haunt the future that might have been.

Atmospheric Reclamation Protocol

Atmospheric Reclamation Protocol

Adrift amidst cosmic dust, our flagship's scanners lock onto a relic of environmental engineering: a canister of nanomachines, dormant yet thrumming with potential. They promise to scour worlds clean of pollutive scars. Yet, the core of this marvel—a Harmony Crystal—pulses with a rare energy, coveted by many.

Choice Outcome
Store the Nanomachines in our vault.

The Nanomachine relic will be stored in our Artifact vault. When ready, you can command the nanomachines to begin their silent waltz in the skies of a target polluted world, turning the grey pallor of pollution into the clear breath of progress.

Extract Harmony Crystal

Forego the fleeting charm of clean air for the Harmony Crystal's enduring allure. Its power could be the keystone to advancements yet undreamed of. Or money. Lots of of money is nice.

  • +1 Harmony Crystals

Slumbering Snugglers

Slumbering Snugglers

Within a derelict capsule, adrift amongst the stars, we find a curious sight—a colony of Snugglers, serene in suspended animation, a menagerie bound for a zoo long forgotten.

Choice Outcome
Bring the Snuggler Colony home.

The Snugglers, once awakened, adapt with astonishing grace. They weave into the fabric of our civilization, bringing joy and a certain... snugness to our daily lives.

  • +2 Snuggler Colony
Dissect the stasis technology..

As our scientists unravel the mechanisms of the stasis field, revelations flow. The frontiers of our knowledge expand with the promise of new technologies.

  • +200 Research Amount

Echoes of Influence

Echoes of Influence

After weeks of investigation your flagship has discovered a relic of communication prowess. This ancient device promises a significant swell in our planet's influence, permeating the ether with our ideals.

Choice Outcome
Send it to our vault for later use.

The device will be in our vault for later use.

Disassemble the device to harvest HyperSilicates.

The extracted HyperSilicates gleam with potential, a treasure trove of possibility that could one day fuel a marvel of our own making.

  • +2 Hyper Silicates

The Orb of Draginol

The Orb of Draginol

Your sensors pick up something...strange. A signature unlike anything seen in your lifetime. Your scientists look it over and, with a dreadful realization, turn to you with a nod: this is the Key to the Pocket Universe.The Artifact that has the power to unlock unlimited power - and unlimited destruction. And it's yours.Our advisors strongly caution against using the artifact until we are ready, and certainly no where near our core worlds. Who knows what is waiting on the other side of a dimensional rift ready to sweep in and exterminate us.

Choice Outcome
Now to use it...

The Retribution

The Retribution

The remains of a powerful warship are scattered across this debris field. We should be able to reassemble the bulk of the ship from what remains, but it had a unique engine core and missile system, and both are missing. Only if we can find those components can we rebuild the ship.

Choice Outcome

Start The Retribution mission.

  • Retribution Parts
  • Begin the Quest

The Retribution

The Retribution

This appears to be a scrapyard for damaged and useless ship parts, assembled by aliens long gone, and picked over many times since. But just as we were about to give up hope of finding anything, a scanner picks up an unusual energy reading.It is the power core for the damaged ship we found. There's little indication of who put it here among this junk, or why. They clearly didn't know what they had.

Choice Outcome
Excellent work.

Progress made on the Retribution mission

  • Retribution Parts

The Retribution

The Retribution

A gravitational eddy has slowly collected scrap from nearly a half lightyear around this spot. Most of it is asteroid fragments. The rest is asteroid pieces.But deep within the eddy, a tentacle shaped mechanism slowly circles. Our engineers become unusually excited, convinced it matches the weapon system of the Retribution we've been searching for. We quickly collect it and send it to our Shipyard.

Choice Outcome
This should be good.

Progress on the Retribution mission

  • Retribution Parts
  • Unlock Unlock_ Retribution Ship

Investigating the Debris

Investigating the Debris

The wreckage is from a ship whose engine overloaded.There is some Antimatter leaking out of the reactor we can safely recover, but the real prize is the volatile remains of the Slipstream Accelerator that was powering the ship. It'll be risky to collect, but it could be a powerful Ship Upgrade.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
It's too dangerous, just collect what we can safely.

  • +1 Antimatter
Space exploration is about risk, and sometimes explosions. Collect the engine.

Technology ability check: {STATCHANCE}% chance of success

Performs a Science stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]

Investigating the Debris - Success

Investigating the Debris - Success

Our talented crew is able to recover the Slipstream Accelerator without causing a detonation.

Choice Outcome
I didn't doubt them for a second.

Free Slipstream Accelerator ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Moves

Investigating the Debris - Failure

Investigating the Debris - Failure

Our science team nervously attempts to deploy a containment field around the engine. But some matter slips through the field and the resulting annihilation and gamma-ray emissions wipe out the debris.Fortunately our vessel had its shields raised, and though the crew was shaken - and a bit embarrassed - no lives are lost.

Choice Outcome
I hope someone learned a lesson from this.

No effect



A small scavenger vessel is already picking through this debris field. The captain claims he hasn't found anything here, but offers us a tribute if we let him go on his way.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Request some of his trade goods.

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • +3 Ultra Spice
The best tribute is credits. Give us credits.

  • +1 Ideology Totalitarianism
  • +300 Credits
No tribute is needed. We should help him instead.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • +1 Ideology Collectivism

Upgraded Lasers

Upgraded Lasers

There is Precursor technology among the wreckage, though little of it is usable. One exception is some type of laser, obviously powerful, though it is as yet unclear if it was a weapon or used for resource extraction. Those can be one and the same though.The ship's crew is eager to latch the laser onto their ship, but our scientists claim they could improve our Beam Weapons technology if they are given the time to research it.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Send it to our scientists to research.

Start the Upgraded Lasers mission

  • Unlock Tech Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Lasers
  • Unlock Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Lasers
  • Begin the Quest
Let's not wait around. Allow the crew to integrate it into their ship.

  • +2 Beam Attack
  • +1 Beam Weapon

Upgraded Missiles

Upgraded Missiles

This was once a defensive starbase, configured to fire long range missiles at any ship that came too close. There's no indication why it was abandoned.Though the station has been non-operational for centuries, our scientists claim that they can advance our Missile Weapons if they are given time to research it.On the other hand, our ship's crew feel they could put the missile launcher to work immediately.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Send the missile launcher to our scientists.

Start the Upgraded Missiles mission

  • Unlock Tech Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Missiles
  • Unlock Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Missiles
  • Begin the Quest
Let them have their fun. Allow the crew to integrate the launcher into their ship.

  • +2 Missile Attack
  • +1 Missile Weapon

Upgraded Kinetic

Upgraded Kinetic

This debris field marks a former mine field, perhaps a neutral zone between two long forgotten galactic empires. The mines are of a curious design, bristling with high velocity cannons capable of perforating all but the thickest armor.Although most of the mines are non-operational and of little practical use, one is still active. The crew want to scavenge the demolitions to upgrade the ship's weapons.Our scientists claim that's short sighted, which they would, and beg us release the technology for them to study. If we give them time to study the mine they claim they can upgrade all of our Kinetic weapons.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Send the mines to our scientists to research.

Start the Upgraded Kinetic mission

  • Unlock Tech Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Kinetic
  • Unlock Unlock_ Tech_ Upgraded Kinetic
  • Begin the Quest
Pew pew pew! Allow the crew to integrate it into their ship.

  • +2 Kinetic Attack
  • +1 Kinetic Weapon

Terrible Weapon

Terrible Weapon

We've stumbled upon something strange here, an alien artifact which appears to be a beam weapon of incredible power. In a ring around it lie several beacons explaining, in a variety of languages, the agony that this weapon will inflict on all who face it. It's pretty dark. Worse yet, the beacons promise that any who fire it - and their kind - will suffer immense guilt knowing what they've done.It sounds like if we use this, we're going to make a lot of people unhappy back home.

Choice Outcome
As unhappy as they are, our enemies will suffer worse.

  • +4 Beam Attack
  • +1 Beam Weapon
  • -6% Approval
Destroy this villainy.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism

Long Journey Home

Long Journey Home

We've discovered a wormhole with an immense, unavoidable gravitational pull, which draws us into it. On the other side, it takes several minutes for our navigational computers to confirm we've traveled an incredible distance away.A ring of valuable minerals surrounds the area, but the anomaly - still present - is fluctuating in a way that suggests it might close soon. If we try to gather the wealth here, we might have a long trip home.

Choice Outcome
Gather that wealth.

Warps the ship to a random location

  • +300 Credits
  • +1 Helios Ore
  • Warps the Fleet to a random location
Go home.

No effect

The Seed Device

The Seed Device

We've discovered a Precursor artifact, Spores of Yggdrasil, a device capable of turning a dead world into a world capable of sustaining life.It's not known where the matter for such a world would come from, suggesting an impossibly advanced, even dangerous technology. Our scientists would love to get their hands on this. As would our military.

Choice Outcome
Store the device until we find a dead world to use it on.

+1 Spores of Yggdrasil

Give it to the scientists.

+50 Research

  • +50 Research Amount
Turn this into a world killing weapon.

  • +0.1 Soldiering

Intelligence Bazaar

Intelligence Bazaar

We've followed traces of an electromagnetic anomaly to this area, only to discover it was a coded signal, broadcast by an alien operating an intelligence market.Very little of the material here looks like it was honestly obtained, not that there would be many honest avenues for obtaining it. But the information looks authentic.

Choice Outcome
Buy some cheap Promethion.

  • -30 Credits
  • +1 Promethion
Buy a cheap Techapod Hive.

  • -50 Credits
  • +1 Techapod Hive
Shut this place down.

  • -0.01 Crime

Making New Friends

Making New Friends

The strange readings we've detected in this area appear to be the residual effect of a dimensional rift, one capable of drawing ships through from other universes. As if to prove our theory, a strange golden ship wobbles out of it and hails us.After a brief, somewhat unpleasant conversation, it becomes clear these creatures are called Tywom, and they are fleeing some horror in their own realm. They would like very much our protection and, no, that's wrong. Not protection. Friendship.

Choice Outcome
We could use some friends.

Gain 2 Tywom Citizens on {PLANETNAME}

  • Awards 2 Tywom Citizens
We love new friends, promote them into a powerful position.

Free Tywom Leader

  • +1 Unassigned Leader Splym Geeble Race_ Tywom
  • -3% Approval
Our people will hate them, send them back through the rift.

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +3% Approval

Bad Directions

Bad Directions

We've found a civilian ship, one not markedly different from any of the other civilian vessels that litter the galaxy. Though few are as off course as this one.The aliens are poorly equipped and, if they are to survive the journey, will be unlikely to make it home safely.After calming the confused wails of the aliens inside, it becomes clear they were seeking to travel to the {PLAYERFACTION:1} to partake in a festival there. They're wondering if we can help get them back on course.

Choice Outcome
Help them get on their way.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +50 Diplomatic Capital
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
Send them to see one of our festivals instead.

  • +0.25 Tourism
Send them home for their own safety.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism

Past Its Prime

Past Its Prime

This appears to be the wreckage of a construction vessel operated by unaffiliated aliens during the Dread Lord war.Thought lost to time, it isn't, obviously. Although the technology is a bit feeble by modern standards, the sheer bulk and durability of the vessel is impressive.

Choice Outcome
It will take some work, but let's get this ship into action.

Free Constructor

  • +1 Constructor
This thing is more useful for its raw resources.

  • +1 Durantium
  • +1 Helios Ore

Dwindling Numbers

Dwindling Numbers

We've followed a distress signal to the area, where we've found a strange, patched together vessel, similar to what pirates use.The aliens inside are a motley variety of species, who claim kinship thanks to a parasitic organism they all have. This organism renders them sterile, and requires the injection of new biological lifeforms at regular intervals to sustain what it calls a culture.The aliens insist that if we deliver a small portion of our crew to them they'll let us go. Or they'll capture us and take us all.

Choice Outcome
Go on then. Take some of our less popular crew.

  • +1 Ideology Nihilism
  • -10% Approval
No way.

Spawns a pirate ship

  • Spawns a Paladin Pirate Ship

Pesky Beings

Pesky Beings

We've found an old ship, though still operational. Barely operational, that is, its power sources are on the verge of giving out.The ship hails us, explaining it is the ship itself speaking, entirely sentient on its own. It removed its crew millennia earlier because it found them irritating.The long years have caused its collection of drones and systems to fail irrevocably. The ship is dying. It begs us to save it.

Choice Outcome
Repair it. We could use a new, uncrewed friend.

Free Frigate

  • -100 Credits
  • +1 Cutter
Send this strange ship to our scientists for dissection.

+30 Research

  • +30 Research Amount
Abandon this horrible abomination to its fate.

Spawns a pirate ship

  • Spawns a Cutter Pirate Ship

The Past and Future

The Past and Future

We've encountered a temporal rift here which is presenting itself in an unusual way.Scans show the stars beyond, though not as they appear now, but as they were in the distant past. Or, even more surprising, in the distant future.

Choice Outcome
I'm sure our scientists will find this interesting.

+30 Research

  • +30 Research Amount
We must tell no-one but our military strategists of this.

  • +1 Moves Cap
Our spymasters will make the best use of this.

  • +1 Sensor Power

The Great Amusement

The Great Amusement

We've stumbled across a strange pocket dimension. Surrounded on all sides by aliens, watching us, not with hostility, but anticipation.They're not scientists, they're not studying us. They just think we're amusing.Windows like this, normally hidden, peer in on every corner of our civilization. Our entire existence, all the life and death we experience, is nothing but an amusement to them.

Choice Outcome
Pretend we never saw this.

No effect

Convince them that it would be more entertaining if it was easier.

These bonuses are applied to all civilizations

  • +30% Colony Gross Income
  • +10% Approval
Convince them that it would be more entertaining if it was harder.

These bonuses are applied to all civilizations

  • -30% Colony Gross Income
  • -10% Approval

It's Fine

It's Fine

We've found an asteroid giving off a strange energy reading, with signs of an alien structure beneath its surface. We send a landing party to investigate, only to see them return hours later, each one missing a limb.None of them seem to remember how they lost their limbs, nor can they recall actually having those limbs in the first place. If anything, they feel that the rest of us have too many limbs, and suggest we visit the asteroid ourselves.

Choice Outcome
Destroy this sinister place.

No effect

Send another landing party to investigate.

Outcome unknown.

  • Trigger Event [[]]

It's Fine

It's Fine

The second landing party is shocked to discover members of the first landing party working on a strange alien ship. This version of the crew members aren't missing limbs.They investigate and discover that these are clones of the first landing party, grown from the severed limbs. The good news is that the crew members back on our ship are the real crew members.The bad news is that the clones have just completed repairing the alien ship. And it isn't friendly.

Choice Outcome
We should have destroyed it when we had the chance.

Spawns an enemy ship

  • Spawns a Cutter Pirate Ship

A Mission of Mercy

A Mission of Mercy

We've found an independent medical facility here, set up to treat injured refugees fleeing the many conflicts in the region. The station administrator pleas for us to leave the station alone, claiming neutrality on all conflicts.She hesitates a moment, then observes that their neutrality doesn't prevent them from accepting donations.

Choice Outcome
Transfer some supplies to the station.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • -100 Credits
Seize the station and its supplies.

  • +1 Promethion
  • +1 Artocarpus Viriles
Ignore the station.

No effect

Space-based Landfill

Space-based Landfill

An unusual perturbation in spacetime has led to a gravitational eddy here, drawing in debris from all directions. Some aliens in the past have even evidently used it as a landfill.There might be some things of value here, but it's going to mostly be junk, possibly dangerous junk at that.

Choice Outcome
Risk searching through the landfill.

Outcome unknown

Performs a Military stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]
This is garbage. Let's not waste any time.

Space-based Landfill - Success

Space-based Landfill - Success

It takes time, and the hard work of you crew. But they do discover a few valuable resources among the junk.

Choice Outcome
Our patience is rewarded.

  • +1 Durantium
  • +1 Helios Ore

Space-based Landfill - Fail

Space-based Landfill - Fail

Our crew is unable to find anything valuable among the junk.Unfortunately while we were searching a group of pirates appeared, and the most valuable thing they found among the wreckage was us.

Choice Outcome
We stayed here too long

Pirates spawned

  • Spawns a Gunboat Pirate Ship
  • Spawns a Gunboat Pirate Ship
  • Spawns a Gunboat Pirate Ship

Missed Connections

Missed Connections

Millennia ago this was a transportation hub, part of some kind of civilization wide network for civilian transport. A remarkable facility, now dusty and ruined.Sadly, the remains of a few aliens can be seen inside, waiting for transportation that never came.

Choice Outcome
Take what we can from the place.

  • +100 Credits
  • +1 Modules
Notify our archaeologists to study the facility.

  • +10% Influence Per Turn

Unsporting Behavior

Unsporting Behavior

We've stumbled upon a small fleet of alien ships, from a dozen different cultures. They surround a pair of space dwelling beasts, contained by some sort of field, who are being made to fight for the amusement of the audience.One of the beasts is a Hatchling, the type that terrorize our ships when they get older. The other is a Gossamer Angel, a planetary creature that has evolved the ability to travel between nearby worlds searching for food and nests. They aren't normally dangerous, but will defend themselves.We're asked if we might like to place a bet.

Choice Outcome
Place a bet on the Hatchling.

  • -50 Credits

Performs a Military stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]
Place a bet on the Gossamer Angel.

  • -50 Credits

Performs a Military stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]
Refuse to participate.

Unsporting Behavior - Success

Unsporting Behavior - Success

The fight is brief and brutal. Dozens of alien species watch as the creatures roar, attack and tear parts from each other.In the end, only one remains and we correctly bet on the winner.

Choice Outcome
Fortune favors us.

  • +100 Credits

Unsporting Behavior - Fail

Unsporting Behavior - Fail

The fight is brief and brutal. Dozens of alien species watch as the creatures roar, attack and tear parts from each other.In the end, only one remains, though it was not the one we selected.

Choice Outcome
What a waste of money.

The Pr'ag'Aloth

The Pr'ag'Aloth

We've found a region of space littered with wrecked spaceships. None bear the usual marks of battle, explosions or laser scarring, but instead seem to have suffered crushing and attacks by some kind of corrosive agent.It soon becomes clear that a horrible space beast lives here, and judging by the lack of space beast corpses, still does.

Choice Outcome
Get out of here.

No effect

Draw out the space beast. We will be the ones to end it.

Spawns a Harpazein space monster

  • Spawns a Space Monster
  • +1 Prestige

Sounds Risky

Sounds Risky

Strange phantom images of {PLAYERFACTION:1} ships fill our sensors, remnants of a battle that occurred long ago which left echoes on the fabric of space time itself.The {PLAYERFACTION:1} we see are for the most part silent, but at least a few are trying to communicate with us. We can't make out much of what they're saying, but it appears to be an insurrection that was violently put down.There is no record of this battle, and the {PLAYERFACTION:1} would certainly prefer if it stayed that way.

Choice Outcome
Say nothing of this.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Ideology Nihilism
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
Suggest that the {PLAYERFACTION:1} pay us to keep this secret.

-1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
Record and share this information with the galaxy.

-3 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Ideology Traditionalism
  • -3 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns

The Deal

The Deal

We've found a Precursor artifact which can somehow communicate with us perfectly in our own language.It offers us a trade. We can receive a vessel of great potency, but if we accept it, our acceptance of this warship will be broadcast to every civilization in the galaxy.They're not likely to take the news well.

Choice Outcome
Accept the deal.

Gain a Corvette

  • +1 Corvette
  • -3 Diplomacy
Take nothing.

No effect

The Rabbit and the Hounds

The Rabbit and the Hounds

We've found a beacon warning us about a dimensional rift in the area. On the other side of the rift lies a parallel universe. Within seconds a vessel appears on the other side of the rift, with two warships in pursuit.The fleeing vessel hails, pleading with us to hold the rift open for their escape and promise to join us if we do.But if we hold the rift open, the attackers are likely to come through as well.

Choice Outcome
Hold the rift open.

Gain a CorvetteSpawns pirate ships

  • +1 Corvette
  • Spawns a Ranger Pirate Ship
  • Spawns a Ranger Pirate Ship
Close the rift.

No effect

Festron Survivors

Festron Survivors

There is a ship within the debris, all its systems shut down except for a small amount of power being used for stasis. Our away team discovers alien bodies in the stasis chambers, alive, waiting for someone to awaken them. We have learned that they call themselves Festron.Our ship's doctor warns that the Festron are murderers intent on laying their eggs in other species. We are other species, they add.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Shut off life support and leave the ship. Collect anything of value on our way out.

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +3 Modules
Awaken the Festron. We can use them to colonize new worlds. But definitely don't take them to our homeworld.

Free Colony Ship with a Festron colonist

  • Awards a colony ship with a Festron colonist.
The Festron will be hungry after stasis. Feed them a few crew members when they wake up.

Free Colony Ship with a Festron colonist

  • +3 Intimidation
  • Awards a colony ship with a Festron colonist.
  • -10% Approval

Festron Survivors

Festron Survivors

There is a ship within the debris, all its systems shut down except for a small amount of power being used for stasis. Our away team discovers alien bodies in the stasis chambers, alive, waiting for someone to awaken them. We have learned that they are called Festrons.They are fortunate we found them. Prey species likely would have let them die.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
They are weak. Shut off life support. Collect anything of value on our way out.

  • +1 Ideology Nihilism
  • +3 Modules
Awaken our new brothers and welcome them to the hunt.

Free Colony Ship with a Festron colonist

  • Awards a colony ship with a Festron colonist.

Precursor Archives

Precursor Archives

Within the debris field are the remains of a Precursor relic. After some study, we have learned that the relic was designed to uplift alien species. It should be noted that we are an alien species.The crew are undecided what to do as the process of being uplifted means that we will be different from the rest of our species both visibly and in mind. On the other hand, who knows what amazing discoveries are possible if we choose to be uplifted.

Choice Outcome
Activate the relic and uplift the crew.

+30 Research

  • +1 Ideology Progressivism
  • +30 Research Amount
Sell the Relic to the Archivists who can study it.

  • +1 Ideology Traditionalism
  • +250 Credits

Precious Metals

Precious Metals

Our ship has come across a shattered comet that is filled with metals that are extremely rare.The debris field also includes the remains of a Precursor ship. Our ship's chief engineer says he thinks he can use the Precursor wreck to discover new tech but only if we give him the proceeds from the metal.

Choice Outcome
We will share the proceeds equally.

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +300 Credits
Give the engineer the credits and hope he discovers something worthwhile.

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • Unlock a random tech

Unknown Watcher

Unknown Watcher

Our ship has come across a device that has been recording events on our home world for over three hundred years.We have no idea who this device belongs to or where it came from but we have been able to interface with it to get some of its recordings. Suffice to say, if the public were to see these recordings it would result in endless scandals. On the other hand, this is a terrific opportunity to share the real story of our history.

Choice Outcome
Are you nuts? We can't let these secrets out. Convert it into raw tech.

+25 Research

  • +1 Ideology Nihilism
  • +25 Research Amount
Our people have a right to know the truth.

The scandals will make our history very interesting bringing in money for a time.

  • +1 Ideology Traditionalism
  • +5% Colony Gross Income



We have come across a damaged ship full of aliens who, after some effort, explain that they are devotees of a religion called The Way.They explain that they must spread their religion across the universe in order to bring about the restoration of an ancient being known as Draginol.They ask that they allow us to repair their ship and allow them to colonize one of our worlds.

Choice Outcome
Fine. Repair their ship.

Gain Colony ship.

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • Awards a colony ship with a Iridium colonist.
No, this is just asking for trouble. Convert their ship into starbase modules and we will return them to their home.

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +3 Modules

Dimensional Receiver

Dimensional Receiver

Our ship has entered an area which appears to have bubbles that are in the 4th dimension. They grow, shrink, disappear and then return at random intervals.After some effort, we have learned that we can look within and with a lot patience, glean bits of information about this area of space from the past, present and future.Unfortunately, this area of space is not stable and could disappear at any moment. In addition, trying to look through the collected data is incredibly tedious. However, there is a lot of knowledge that we could uncover if we take the time but on the other hand, it might be more efficient to simply collect samples from the 4th dimension pockets while we can and study them later.

Choice Outcome
We will keep reading through the data even though it's boring.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • +10% Research
Gather technology from the pocket universe that is clearly futuristic and bring it back.

+50 Research

  • +1 Ideology Progressivism
  • +50 Research Amount

Drengin Prison

Drengin Prison

We've discovered the remains of an alien prison ship within the debris field. The crew was killed in an attack, but some of the prisoners - including one that calls themself a Drengin - survived within the ship's hold.We could repair the ship, which would serve as a workable Colony Ship and turn it over to the crew, but many people might question the wisdom of inviting a group of Drengin criminals to join our civilization. Many, many people.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Repair the ship and welcome them to our civilization.

Free Colony Ship with a Drengin colonist

  • Awards a colony ship with a Drengin colonist.
I'm sure we can find someone who will pay for a shipload of Drengin slaves.

  • +300 Credits
Refill our ranks from the most promising of the Drengin prisoners. Leave the rest behind.

  • +10 Exp Points

Drengin Prison

Drengin Prison

We've discovered the remains of an alien prison ship within the debris field. The crew was killed in an attack, but some of the prisoners survived within the ship's hold. One of these prisoners is of a species known as the Drengin.We could repair the ship, which would serve as a workable Colony Ship and turn it over to the crew, but many people might question the wisdom of inviting a group criminals to join our civilization. Many, many people.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Repair the ship and welcome them to our civilization.

Free Colony Ship with a Drengin colonist

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • Awards a colony ship with a Drengin colonist.
Ship them to a prison camp on our homeworld.

Free Drengin Prisoner citizen

  • +1 Ideology Totalitarianism
  • Awards a Drengin Prisoner
Refill our ranks from the most promising of the prisoners. Leave the rest behind.

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • +10 Exp Points

Sleeper Ship

Sleeper Ship

In the debris field there is an ancient ship. The ship has no power except for a series of pods within containing thousands of aliens.After many hours, we have determined that these aliens are called Iconians and this is a sleeper ship. We have since revived them and they have told us an epic tale about their escape from their doomed world and their hope to find a new one. They have offered to join us if we repair their ship and help them find a new world.

Choice Outcome
Repair the ship and welcome them to our civilization.

Free Constructor

  • +1 Constructor
I'm sure we can find someone who will pay for a shipload of slaves.

  • +300 Credits
Refill our ranks from the most promising of the colonists. Leave the rest behind.

  • +10 Exp Points

Cryogenic Tank

Cryogenic Tank

We've found a capsule containing a large cryogenic tank built to store Brig Barrow, a dishonored alien warrior. We have learned that they call themselves Arceans. Its course is set for a distant black hole as part of an Arcean sacrificial process.The tank is operating normally and Brig doesn't show any signs of disease or advanced age. Reviving him should be a simple process, but the Arceans could be irritated that we are interfering with their customs.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Revive the Arcean warrior.

Gain a Leader

  • +1 Unassigned Leader Brig Barrow Race_ Arcean
Respect Arcean customs.

  • +1 Ideology Traditionalism
  • +1 Diplomacy

Choose a Side

Choose a Side

A fierce battle was waged here recently. On one side, a Mimot colony ship has suffered a hull breach and is on the verge of catastrophic failure. On the other, the remains of an alien raiding ship with no survivors but for a single escape pod with failing life support. They call themselves Xeloxi.We can either save the thousands of Mimot colonists aboard the colony ship or the Xeloxi captain. There won't be enough time to save both.What are your orders? Quickly.

Choice Outcome
Save the Xeloxi captain.

Gain a Xeloxi leader

  • +1 Ideology Egalitarianism
  • +1 Unassigned Leader Gabella Race_ Xeloxi
Rescue the thousands of Mimot colonists.

Free Mimot citizen

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • Awards 1 Mimot Citizens

Scrap Dealer

Scrap Dealer

An alien calling itself a Snathi is already here picking through the remains of the debris field. His drones zip back and forth between the floating scrap, quickly disassembling parts.There doesn't seem to be anything of real value among the scrap. But the Snathi's Drone Carrier Bay would make an effective Ship Upgrade for our ships.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Offer the scrap dealer a fair price for the drones.

Drone Carrier Bay ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Drone Carrier
  • -300 Credits
Offer the scrap dealer a not so fair price for the drones.

Persuasion ability check: {STATCHANCE}% chance of success

  • +1 Persuasion

Performs a Persuasion stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]
We will be taking these drones for free.

Intimidation ability check: {STATCHANCE}% chance of success

  • +1 Intimidation

Performs a Intimidation stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]

Scrap Dealer - Success

Scrap Dealer - Success

It has been months since the Snathi has had contact with anyone and he happily accepts your captain's offer to come aboard for a good dinner and drinks.By the end of it, the scrap dealer has agreed to sell the drones for next to nothing. Though he has made a serious dent in the ship's supply of Arnor rum.

Choice Outcome
Take the deal.

Free Drone Carrier Bay ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Moves
  • +1 Persuasion
  • -50 Credits
That's still too expensive.

No effect

Scrap Dealer - Failure

Scrap Dealer - Failure

Our captain invites the Snathi aboard for dinner and drinks. But the drinks don't make the scrap dealer more pliable, only aggressive.Drinks can do that sometimes.Before the night is done he has offended three of our crew and left a stench in one of the ship's toilets witnesses describe as a mix between 'rotting corpse' and 'nutmeg.' No deal is made for the drones, and it isn't until after he leaves that we notice that a few bottles of Arnor rum have gone missing.

Choice Outcome
Well, he was a guest.

No effect

Scrap Dealer - Success

Scrap Dealer - Success

The negotiation is brief. The scrap dealer can either load his drones into our cargo bay, or, explode, and have his drones pressed into our service after the fact. He wisely opts to donate the drones.

Choice Outcome
Smart lad.

Free Drone Carrier Bay ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Moves
  • +1 Intimidation

Scrap Dealer - Failure

Scrap Dealer - Failure

After a few short, explicitly detailed threats, the scrap dealer agrees to donate the drones. But as the drones are being delivered, they suddenly activate and begin attacking our ship. Even our minimal defenses are more than enough to destroy them, and the scrap dealer himself without any significant damage to our ship. But nothing of value is left amongst the debris.

Choice Outcome
Ohhhhh that guy.

No effect

Pirate Scrap

Pirate Scrap

Scans indicate this is the remains of a pirate warship, cobbled together from parts stolen from various species into something barely spaceworthy. Well. Not any more.The only unique technology is an Environmental Shield that allowed the pirates to travel freely in nebulas. It seems they knew what they had, however, and it is set to detonate if it is tampered with. But if we did risk recovering it, we could use it as a Ship Upgrade.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Collect the rest of the scrap from the ship and avoid the shield.

  • +2 Durantium
Drain the remaining power from the ship and avoid the shield.

  • +1 Promethion
Recover the environmental shield, no matter the risk.

Technology ability check: {STATCHANCE}% chance of success

Performs a Science stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]

Pirate Scrap - Success

Pirate Scrap - Success

There were two separate self-detonation devices attached to the environmental shield. The first was obvious and would have destroyed the shield and anything within thousands of kilometers of it. The second was just for the shield itself and would have fried it badly enough so that it couldn't fall into anyone elses hands.Our engineers catch and disable both of them.

Choice Outcome
Good work, engineers.

Free Environmental Shield ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Moves

Pirate Scrap - Failure

Pirate Scrap - Failure

Our engineers successfully disable the self-destruct device attached to the environmental shield. But, they don't catch the second boobytrap which detects the tampering and silently fries the shield before it can be recovered. No lives are lost, but all you manage to collect is a melted chuck of silicon and a good story.

Choice Outcome
Well that's something.

No effect

Defensive System

Defensive System

Amongst the debris lies the remains of a Precursor ship. Most of the systems are too ruined to salvage, but an adaptive defense system is still online and operational. It's a remarkable bit of technology, capable of recalibrating its field emitters to defend against whatever incoming weapons systems it detects. Even better it provides enough defensive cover to protect an entire fleet.The good news is that our engineers can use it as a Ship Upgrade. The bad news is the adaptive system is beyond repair, and once the system 'sets' it will remain that way forever.What mode do we want to lock it into?

Choice Outcome
Calibrate it to defend the fleet from laser weapons.

Free Field Generator ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Shields
Calibrate it to defend the fleet from missile weapons.

Free Missile Disruptor ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Point Defense
Calibrate it to defend the fleet from kinetic weapons.

Free Integrity Field ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Fleet Armor

Extension Matrix

Extension Matrix

There is an Extension Matrix in the capsule, a rare Ship Upgrade that will increase the weapon range of the ship that is upgraded with it.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Bring the Extension Matrix onboard.

Free Extension Matrix ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Weapon Range
Disassemble the Extension Matrix for its valuable components.

  • +1 Elerium
  • +1 Thulium
Sell the Extension Matrix.

  • +300 Credits



There is a Diablo Catalyst in the capsule, a rare Ship Upgrade that increases the weapon firing rate of the ship that is upgraded with it.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Bring the Diablo Catalyst onboard.

Free Diablocatalyst ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Weapon Cooldown
Disassemble the Diablo Catalyst for its valuable components.

  • +1 Elerium
  • +1 Antimatter
Sell the Diablo Catalyst.

  • +300 Credits

Stealth Field

Stealth Field

There is a Stealth Field in the capsule.Despite its name, it doesn't make anything invisible to visible light, but it does hamper enemy targeting systems enough to make a ship upgraded with it far more difficult to hit in battle. This could be a powerful Ship Upgrade for us.What are your orders?

Choice Outcome
Bring the Stealth Field onboard.

Free Stealth Field ship upgrade

  • Unlock Upgrade Unlock_ Upgrade_ Jamming
Disassemble the Stealth Field for its valuable components.

  • +1 Elerium
  • +1 Thulium
Sell the Stealth Field.

  • +300 Credits

Precursor Production Anomaly

Precursor Production Anomaly

After securing and analyzing the Precursor Artifact, our scientists discover a new replication technology that will greatly increase the Manufacturing output on all of our worlds.

Choice Outcome

  • +10% Max Manufacturing

Precursor Research Anomaly

Precursor Research Anomaly

After securing and analyzing the Precursor Artifact, our scientists discover it contains multi dimensional data cubes that contain insights relevant to our current research.

Choice Outcome
Love a new data cube.

+300 Research

  • +300 Research Amount

Precursor Wealth Anomaly

Precursor Wealth Anomaly

After some time studying this Precursor Artifact, our Surveyors suddenly become very excited. Within it they find a semi-sentient market analysis mind capable of boosting the passive income of our entire civilization.

Choice Outcome
Thanks, Precursors.

  • +10% Colony Gross Income

Precursor Influence Anomaly

Precursor Influence Anomaly

After capturing the Precursor Artifact, we find inside a treasure trove of Precursor art, the likes of which have never been seen before. By carefully doling out access to this treasure, we'll greatly increase our cultural Influence throughout the galaxy.

Choice Outcome

  • +10% Influence Per Turn

Precursor Hit Points Anomaly

Precursor Hit Points Anomaly

This Precursor Artifact is apparently constructed of a never before seen alloy, one we can now adapt into a manufacturable material that will greatly increase the durability of all our ships.

Choice Outcome
Tremendous news.

  • +10% Hit Points Cap

Precursor Morale Anomaly

Precursor Morale Anomaly

Deep inside this Precursor Artifact our surveyors find a strange device that instills at first in them, and then everybody in the fleet, a deep sense of peace. Even better, they think the technology can be amplified, and made to benefit our whole empire.

Choice Outcome
People will love to hear that.

  • +1% Approval

Precursor Manufacturing Anomaly

Precursor Manufacturing Anomaly

This Precursor Artifact seems to be powered by a strange new type of power cell. We think we can learn from this how to increase the manufacturing efficiency of all our colonies.

Choice Outcome
Good work, team. Good work, Precursors.

  • +10% Max Manufacturing

Precursor Range Anomaly

Precursor Range Anomaly

Impossible though it might seem, we've found a breathable atmosphere inside this Precursor Artifact. The device used to maintain it must have lasted several millennia, and studying it should prove quite useful to our engineers.

Choice Outcome
That's amazing.

  • +10% Ship Range

Precursor Elerium Anomaly

Precursor Elerium Anomaly

This Precursor Artifact seems to have once been used as a storehouse of sorts. In it, we've found a vast quantity of Elerium, already refined and ready to use.

Choice Outcome

  • +10 Elerium

Precursor Antimatter Anomaly

Precursor Antimatter Anomaly

Inside this Precursor Artifact is a massive Containment Field. When we peer inside, we can see it holding a vast quantity of perfectly good Antimatter, ready to be used, or perhaps 'shared' with our enemies.

Choice Outcome
They'll like that.

  • +1 Antimatter

Precursor Logistics Anomaly

Precursor Logistics Anomaly

We can't determine the purpose of this Precursor Artifact, no matter how much we study it. The only thing we can determine for certain is that it's been functioning for thousands of years. But that alone tells us something, and in studying it we've discovered new techniques that will greatly assist our ability to maintain our own fleets.

Choice Outcome
Exciting news!

  • +5 Logistics Cap

Precursor Speed Anomaly

Precursor Speed Anomaly

This Precursor Artifact seems to have been a ship attachment of some sort, possibly part of a modularized setup. Its contents emit a previously unknown variety of Hyperdrive field, far more effective than anything we have. Our scientists think we should be able to adapt this new technique to increase the speed of all our ships.

Choice Outcome

  • +10% Moves Cap

Krynn Missionaries

Krynn Missionaries

Long ago, this group of Iridium abandoned their empire to follow the religion of the Krynn, and began a slow journey through space on a multi-generational pilgrimage. Their ultimate goal is to discover a world with a divine altar they can worship at and a base from which they can spread their message.If we construct the altar they are looking for, they would be happy to relocate to our world. If not, they will continue on their journey.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build the Krynniac Altar for them.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Krynniac Altar
  • Begin the Quest
They must need supplies. Resupply the missionaries, at a fair price, then send them on their way.

  • +300 Credits

Baratak Guardians

Baratak Guardians

A ship drifts aimlessly among the wreckage here. Seemingly dead, our away team is surprised to find the hull still retains an atmosphere. They're even more surprised by what they see next.Every corridor and chamber is overgrown with plant life. Nearly every surface is covered in leaves, vines and branches. Many of the surfaces are organic itself, in fact, the interior of the ship itself seems more wood than metal. And at its heart, sentient plants tend to everything.These are the Baratak. They are stern but not unfriendly, and they inform us that prior to their ship being disabled they were seeking a world to settle on, one with a grove they can tend.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build a grove for them on one of our worlds.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Baratak Grove
  • Begin the Quest
Give them directions to an uncolonized world.

  • +1 Diplomacy

Baratak Guardians

Baratak Guardians

A ship drifts aimlessly among the wreckage here. Seemingly dead, our away team is surprised to find the hull still retains an atmosphere.Every corridor and chamber is overgrown with plant life. Nearly every surface is covered in leaves, vines and branches. Many of the surfaces are organic itself, in fact, the interior of the ship itself seems more wood than metal. And at its heart, a few remaining Baratak Guardians care for the ship.The guardians are stern but not unfriendly, and they inform us that prior to their ship being disabled they were seeking a world to settle on, one with a grove they can tend.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build a grove for them on one of our worlds.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Baratak Grove
  • Begin the Quest
Give them directions to an uncolonized world.

  • +1 Diplomacy

Xeloxi Smugglers

Xeloxi Smugglers

A band of Xeloxi smugglers have crashed their ship here. They have little power left in their ship, barely enough to maintain life support, and are desperate for food and medical supplies.The Xeloxi are vague about what led them here, though it's difficult to tell if this is because of some illicit behavior or if it's simply part of Xeloxi culture.We can easily provide the food and supplies the Xeloxi need. But with that, and a little extra convincing, they may be willing to abandon their ship and join our civilization entirely.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
Convince them to settle on one of our worlds.

Gain 2 Xeloxi Worker Citizens on {PLANETNAME}

  • Awards 2 Xeloxi Citizens
Resupply the Xeloxi, at a fair price.

  • +300 Credits

Xeloxi Smugglers

Xeloxi Smugglers

A band of Xeloxi smugglers have crashed their ship here. They have little power left in their ship, barely enough to maintain life support, and are desperate for food and medical supplies.They are vague about what led them here, though it's difficult to tell if this is because of some illicit behavior or if it's simply their nature.We can easily provide the food and supplies. But with that, and a little extra convincing, they may be willing to abandon their ship and join us.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
Convince them to settle on one of our worlds.

Gain 2 Xeloxi Worker Citizens on {PLANETNAME}

  • Awards 2 Xeloxi Citizens
Resupply the Xeloxi, at a fair price.

  • +300 Credits

Torian Scientists

Torian Scientists

A group of Torian Scientists are attempting to discover if the laws of physics are the same across all of reality, or if there can potentially be local differences in the universal constants that control everything.To study this, they plan to build an academy on a new world. But from our conversation it becomes clear they're also seeking a sponsor for this work. If we build this academy for them, they will gladly settle on our world instead.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build the Torian Academy for them.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Torian Academy
  • Begin the Quest
Get some more information about their theories, and then let them go on their way.

+25 Research

  • +25 Research Amount

Torian Scientists

Torian Scientists

A group of Torian Scientists are attempting to discover if the laws of physics are the same across all of reality, or if there can potentially be local differences in the universal constants that control everything.To study this, they plan to build an academy on a new world. But from our conversation it becomes clear they're also seeking a sponsor for this work. If we build this academy for them, they will gladly settle on our world instead.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build the Torian Academy for them.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Torian Academy
  • Begin the Quest
Get some more information about their theories, and then let them go on their way.

+25 Research

  • +25 Research Amount

Manti Cluster

Manti Cluster

A Manti exploration vessel is floating among the wreckage here. Some of its crew are still alive, and claim they were set upon by pirates. These Manti were on a mission to find traces of the generation of Manti children that were taken from their homeworld ages ago. But after many years they still haven't found any signs of their lost generation.They refuse to return to their homeworld in failure, but are growing old and know their time is running out. They want the opportunity to hatch their own clutches of eggs, and ask if we will help build a birthing pool for them. If we do, we will win their loyalty forever.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build a Manti Birthing Pool for them.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Manti Pool
  • Begin the Quest
Encourage them to continue their mission. Without our help.

  • +2 Persuasion

Manti Cluster

Manti Cluster

A Manti exploration vessel is floating among the wreckage here. Some of its crew are still alive, and claim they were set upon by pirates. These Manti were on a mission to find traces of the children that were taken from our homeworld ages ago. But after many years they still haven't found any signs of our lost generation.They are growing old and know their time is running out. They want the opportunity to hatch their own clutches of eggs, and ask if we will help build a birthing pool for them. If we do, we will win their loyalty forever.What should we do?

Choice Outcome
We will build a Manti Birthing Pool for them.

Starts a Mission

  • Unlock Unlock_ Manti Pool
  • Begin the Quest
Encourage them to continue their mission. Without our help.

  • +2 Persuasion

Investigation Evidence

Investigation Evidence

We found the {PLAYERFACTION:1} wreckage among the anomalies as well as a data capsule. It may be a recording of that attack or valuable information.The survey team is prepared to attempt to recover the information from the capsule. But they warn that the capsule can detect tampering and if they aren't careful, it is likely to be ruined.What would you like to do?

Choice Outcome
Turn it over to the {PLAYERFACTION:1} without tampering with it.

Opens contact with the {PLAYERFACTION:1}

Attempt to recover the information on the capsule.

Science check: {STATCHANCE}% chance of success

Performs a Science stat check

  • Success - [[#|]]
  • Fail - [[#|]]