GalCiv4:Technology Table

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Name Description Cost Requirements Effects
 Payload Miniaturization

Missile Weapon

Reduces the amount of space our missile weapon systems use.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Defensive Studies

Defense Critical

Allows us to begin building advanced systems into our most vulnerable targets.

-42  Research

 Weaponized Probes

Critical Weapon

Augment exploration probes with weaponry.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Synthetic Ability
  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Precursor Origins

Non Military

Investigation into ancient systems could unlock new ships for our Commanders.

-126  Research

  • Allows Shard of the Mithrilar Event
  • Allows Throne of the Arnor Event
 Strong AI
Allows us to simulate our brightest minds.

-126  Research

  • Unlocks  Bob Improvement
 Battleship Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to design and build Battleship class starships.

-500  Research

  • Unlocks  Battleship Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Battleship Ship Category
  • Unlocks Large Ship Hulls
 Shield Frequency Modulation


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Quantum Torpedo System

Missile Weapon

Makes the new Quantum Torpedo Missile system available for ship designs.

-350  Research

  • Unlocks  Triton Torpedoes Ship Component


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-152  Research

 Shield Harmonics


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-500  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Fleet Shield Tech
 Cascading Detonations

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Martial Law Doctrine
Unlocks new policies.

-152  Research

 Beam Capacitation

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Directed Energy Weapons

Beam Weapon

Allows construction of basic energy beam weapons.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Enhanced Particle Beam Ship Component
 Central Authority Offices
Allows us to manage the transportation of goods to and from our worlds.

-80  Research

  • -.12 Supply Attrition

Kinetic Weapon

Allows construction of basic Kinetic weapon.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Railgun Ship Component
 Kinetic Weapon Targeting

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Pulse Cannon Ship Component
 Trade Pacts

Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-80  Research

 Systems Of Control


New tools will allow us to control our aspects of our civilization.

-60  Research

 Phased Energy Magnification

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-390  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Pulse Cannons

Kinetic Weapon

Makes Pulse Cannon system available for ship designs.

-152  Research

  • Unlocks  Pulse Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Pulse Cannon Starbase Module
 Secret Police
Our populace may hate these tactics, but criminals hate them even more.

-102  Research

  • -0.1  Crime
 Serrated Munitions

Kinetic Weapon

Improves our kinetic weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Interstellar Trade

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-42  Research

 Kinetic Weapon Enhancement

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Railgun Ship Component

Non Military Critical

Improves our diplomatic capabilities and allows us to recruit more Commanders.

-42  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
 Phoenix Missile System

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Phoenix Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Harpoon Salvo Starbase Module
 Financial Sectors

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-80  Research

 Exotic Armor Materials


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-276  Research

 Domestic Policy Doctrine

Non Military

Unlocks new policies.

-42  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-60  Research

 Diamonic Armor Composite


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Improved Missile Targeting

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Harpoon Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Predictive Targeting Ship Component
 Dual Stage Detonations

Missile Weapon

Improves our missile weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Dream of Utopia

Non Military

Increases homeworld influence by a massive amount every month.

-3200  Research

  • +10  Influence Growth
  • +3 Culture Points
 Photonic Alignment

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-50  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Neutrino Emitter Ship Component
 Dreadlord Weapons

Kinetic Weapon

Dreadlord technology provides a powerful boost to our weapons.

-300  Research

  • +30%  Beam Attack
  • +30%  Missile Attack
  • +30%  Kinetic Attack
 Kinetic Weapon Mastery

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-390  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Energy Deflection Theory


Basic shields will allow our ships to absorb incoming damage.

-60  Research

  • Unlocks  Shield Generators Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Advanced Shield Generators Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Barrier Array Starbase Module
 Terror Stars

Defense Critical

Allows us to construct Terror Stars. Time for some cosmic horror.

-1200  Research

 Orbital Repair

Critical Hulls

Unlocks Caretaker ships which can repair our fleets.

-80  Research

  • +4  Logistics
  • Unlocks  Repair Bay Ship Component
 Null Point Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Zero Point Armor Ship Component
 Shared Ideology

Non Military

Make our civilization unique.

-200  Research

  • +2 Culture Points
 Disruptor Beams

Beam Weapon

Unlocks a new, more lethal, beam weapon component for our ship designs.

-152  Research

  • Unlocks  Disruptor Bank Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Disruptor Bank Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Experimental Disruptor Bank Ship Component
 Beam Weapon Enhancement

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Advanced Missile Doctrine

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Drone Soldiers


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-126  Research

  • +0.1  Soldiering
 Political Capital

Non Military Critical

Provides us with a wealth of diplomatic capital to trade.

-150  Research

 The Invisible Hand

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-30  Research

 Xeno Theology

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-102  Research

 Armed Shuttles

Critical Weapon

Allows construction of armed spacecraft. Provides two free warships.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • Blocked by  Unrelenting Ability
  • Blocked by  Synthetic Ability
  • +1 Guardian
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Xeno Commerce

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-80  Research

  • Allows Galactic Silk Road Event
  • Allows The Board (part 2) Event
  • Allows The Board (part 3) Event
  • Allows  Unregulated Corporations Policy
 Divine Essence

Non Military

We can become one with the universe.

-80  Research

 Kinetic Augmentation

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Quantum Pulse Driver

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Quantum Driver kinetic weapon system available for our ship designs.

-350  Research

 Digital Exchange

Trade Critical

Increases the efficacy of trade between colonies and other species.

-80  Research

  • +5%  Gross Income
 Missile Warfare Mastery

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-390  Research

 Cultural Synthesis

Non Military

Assimilate other cultures into our own to amplify our own. Unlocks the Broadcast Culture project.

-26  Research

 Planetary Defenses


Improves our ability to defend our worlds against invasions.

-102  Research

  • +25  Planetary Defenses
 Galactic Trade

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-102  Research



Allows construction of carrier modules.

-90  Research

  • Unlocks  Carrier Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Interceptors Starbase Module
 Spectrum Amplification

Beam Weapon

Improves our laser weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Interstellar Banking

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-60  Research



Allows the construction of larger hull sizes.

-0  Research

 Colonial Governance

Non Military

Unlocks new policies.

-60  Research

  • +1  Max Enacted Policies
 Shield Augmentation


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-180  Research

 Nightmare Missile System

Missile Weapon

Makes a very lethal new missile weapon system available for our ship designs.

-432  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-250  Research

 Missile Payload Optimization

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Matadrox Missile Ship Component
 Invulnerability Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Invulnerability Field Ship Component
 Energy Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Barrier Fields Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Advanced Barrier Fields Ship Component
 Organic Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Kanvium Laminate Ship Component
 Universal Translator

Universal Translator Critical

Allows us to begin communicating with aliens, and use the Galactic Bazaar.

-20  Research

  • +3  Trade Licenses Max
  • Research Translator
  • Allows You murdered a hatchery Event
  • Allows Using pods to enslave your own people Event
  • Allows Diplomatic Drug Catastrophe Event
  • Allows Theft of the Cosmic Eye Event
  • Allows Massacre of the Larval Kin Event
  • Allows Marsupial Enslavement Event
  • Allows Desecration Crystal Kin Event
  • Allows Deadly Appetite Event
  • Allows Weakened the Fleshlings Event
  • Allows Our citizen was injured Event
  • Allows Underworld Gratitude Event
  • Allows Our citizen was harmed on your planet Event
  • Allows Distinguished Visitor Injured Event
  • Allows Artemis: A Business Boom Event
  • Allows Your work on Artemis Event
  • Allows Path of Pacifism Event
  • Allows Legacy of Exploration Event
  • Allows Admiration for the Conqueror Event
  • Allows Dismay at your blood lust desires Event
  • Allows You are a rising crime lord Event
  • Allows You're enslaving the natives Event
  • Allows You are our kind of evil Event
  • Allows Your support of the natives Event
  • Allows A Questionable Pact Event
  • Allows Nebula Mining Proposition Event
  • Allows Relic Recovery Request Event
  • Allows Proposition for Swift Passage Event
  • Allows Subspace Wave Collaboration Event
  • Allows Proposed Ceasefire Agreement Event
  • Allows Proposed Ceasefire Agreement Event
  • Allows Ultimatum for Survival Event
  • Allows Divine Intervention Offer Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows A Plea for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows ' Event
  • Allows The Exile Event
  • Allows Technology Exchange Event
  • Allows Space Creature Migration Event
  • Allows Alternate Energy Source Event
  • Allows Refugees of disaster Event
  • Allows Disputed Territory Event
  • Allows Damaged Trade Ship Event
  • Allows The Dreadlord Artifact Event
  • Allows Failed Colonization Effort Event
  • Allows Enemy of the state Event
  • Allows Invasive Species Event
  • Allows Cultural Invasion Event
  • Allows Cultural Exchange Festival Event
  • Allows The Pilgrimage Proposal Event
  • Allows The Ghastly Request Event
  • Allows The Bloody Proposal Event
  • Allows Deepwater Festival Event
  • Allows Deep Water Event
  • Allows The Way Event
  • Allows Dream Spies Event
  • Allows Weapons of War Event
  • Allows Special Offer Event
  • Allows Persuasion Workshop Event
  • Allows Crystal Resonance Event
  • Allows Refugees Event
  • Allows Borderworld Crime Event
  • Allows Culture Wars Event
  • Allows Request for Support Event
  • Allows The Everwar Event
  • Allows Against the Tide Event
  • Allows Festron Survivors Event
  • Allows Drengin Prison Event
  • Allows Sleeper Ship Event
  • Allows Cryogenic Tank Event
  • Allows Choose a Side Event
  • Allows Scrap Dealer Event
  • Allows Lost Torians Event
  • Allows Krynn Missionaries Event
  • Allows Baratak Guardians Event
  • Allows Xeloxi Smugglers Event
  • Allows Torian Scientists Event
  • Allows Manti Cluster Event
  • Allows Stolen Drive Event
  • Allows Fleeing Scientist Event
  • Allows Ambassador's Ship Event
  • Allows Fragile Rift Event
  • Allows Mimots Faux Pas Event
  • Allows Market Collapse Event
  • Allows Torian Terrorist Event
  • Allows Kurja Gladiator Event
  • Allows Archive Location Event
  • Allows Investigation Event
  • Allows Meeting New Species Event
  • Allows Galactic Tourism Initiative Event
  • Unlocks  Heritage Center Improvement
  • Unlocks  Cultural District Improvement
  • Unlocks  Harmonious Antennae Improvement
  • Unlocks  Prismatic Learning Matrix Improvement
  • Allows  Export Food Policy
  • Unlocks  Cargo Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Freighter Ship Category
  • Unlocks  Cultural Awareness Center Starbase Module
  • Unlocks  The Media Alliance Think Tank
  • Unlocks  Banking Clan Think Tank
  • Unlocks  Minister of Tourism
 Interstellar Currency

Non Military

Allows the construction of markets in Starbases.

-60  Research

 Graviton Guns

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Graviton kinetic weapon system available for ship designs.

-242  Research

  • Unlocks  Graviton Gun Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Graviton Vulcan Gun Ship Component
 Starship Refits

Hulls Critical

Allows ships to be upgraded with the best equipment as well as travel much faster in friendly territory.

-75  Research

  • +25%  Moves
  • Ship Refitting Unlocked
 Preferred Lending

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-60  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-102  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
 Extreme Miniaturization

Hulls Critical

Adds additional component slots on hulls based on its total mass.

-250  Research

  • +1  Capacity
  • +15%  Capacity
 Blackhole Gun

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Singularity driver available for our ship designs.

-432  Research

 The Calling
Allows construction of the Krynniac Mission.

-102  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Path Tech
 Trade Networks

Wealth Critical

Begin building trade networks. Provides a free Freighter .

-26  Research

 Kinetic Discharge Miniaturization

Kinetic Weapon

Reduces the size of our kinetic weapon systems.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Self-Healing Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Individual Divinity
Empowering citizens to ascend to godhood. Citizens will see their stats increased 0.1 per month.

-1200  Research

  • +1  Moves
  • +1  Intelligence
  • +1  Diligence
  • +1  Social Skills
  • +1  Resolve
 Interstellar Markets

Non Military

Expansion of trade across to new civilizations.

-330  Research

  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +5000  Diplomatic Capital
 Economic Singularity
Improves the Income on your worlds.

-1050  Research

  • +10%  Gross Income
 Negotiation Algorithms

Non Military

Improves our communication skills with inferior beings.

-42  Research

 Colonial Bureaucracy

Non Military

Allows us to begin building Bureaucratic Offices to manage our growing civilization.

-26  Research

 Xeno Entertainment

Non Military

Begin specializing Entertainers on our worlds.

-100  Research

 Beam Weapon Augmentation

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-90  Research

 Antimatter Detonation

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-276  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Antimatter Bomb Ship Component
 Defensive Trance
Greatly increase the abilities of our ships to withstand damage.

-60  Research

  • +0.2  Beam Resistance
  • +0.2  Kinetic Resistance
  • +0.2  Missile Resistance
 Tempered Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Hyperwave Radio

Non Military

Allows instant communication across infinite distances, adds a Flagship to your fleet.

-12  Research

 Evasive Tactics

Defense Critical

Unlocks Weapon Jammers which can increase the evasion of our ships.

-50  Research

  • +5  Evasion
  • Unlocks  Weapon Jammer Ship Component
 The Order
Allows construction of the Krynniac Order and Sanctuary.

-126  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Calling Tech
 Improved Missile Production

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Shadow Trade
Increases the Income of trade routes, by allowing the trade of dubious goods.

-126  Research

  • +25%  Trade Route Income
  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
 Gravimetric Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Force Fields Ship Component

Non Military

Allows research of communications technologies.

-0  Research

 Improved Kinetic Weapon Doctrine

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Inertia Enhancement

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
Defensive Meditation Allows construction of the Champion's Temple.

-60  Research

  • +0.05  Soldiering
  • +0.05  Planetary Defense
 Thermal Blooming

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-380  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Cultural Conquest

Non Military

Greatly Increases the spread of our colonies' Influence. (Capstone)

-800  Research

  • +10%  Influence Growth
 Flexible Bulkheads

Hulls Critical

Allows us to fit more components on ship designs.

-200  Research

  • +1  Capacity
  • +10%  Capacity
 Shield Regeneration


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
Increase starbase range, and Awards one free Frigate.

-60  Research

  • +2  Starbase Range
  • +1 Frigate
 High Energy Transfer

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Phasor Beams

Beam Weapon

Makes Phasor based beam weapons available for our ship designs.

-350  Research

  • Unlocks  Phased Cannons Ship Component
 Improved Armor Science


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-80  Research

  • +15%  Armor Rating
 Beam Weapon Miniaturization

Beam Weapon

Reduces the size of our beam weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +1  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Experimental Plasma Pod Ship Component
 Stellar Resorts

Non Military

Provide the most popular entertainment for your worlds.

-150  Research

  • +3 Culture Points
 Armor Material Science


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Carbon Crystal Plating Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Thulium Alloy Armor Ship Component
 Exotic Mass Weaponry

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-276  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
Divine Fleets Allows for the construction of the Divine Temple Support Module.

-60  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires Jihad Tech
  • Unlocks  Divine Temple Module Ship Component
 Technological Singularity


Results in a compounding increase to all our research every month on our capital world.

-1980  Research

  • +10%  Research
  • +10%  Research
 The Path of Shadows
Allows construction of the Shadow Temple.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Influence Growth
 Battle Cruiser Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to build and design Cruiser class starships.

-100  Research

  • Unlocks  Cruiser Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Cruiser Ship Category
  • Unlocks Medium Ship Hulls
 Cultural Outreach

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-200  Research

 Sovereign Immunity

Non Military

Allows us to use our largest commander ships.

-126  Research

 Space Weapons

Critical Weapon

Provides access to some basic weapons for space combat.

-12  Research

  • Unlocks  Particle Beam Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Helios Rockets Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Gauss Cannon Ship Component
 Adaptive Armor Improvements


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Leadership Recruiting

Non Military Critical

Start putting your leaders to more effective use.

-26  Research

 The Way
Allows construction of the Krynniac Oracle.

-152  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Order Tech
 Armor Defense Theory


Advanced Armor helps mitigate damage from attacks.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Titanium Plating Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Durantium Composite Starbase Module
 Cultural Assimilation

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-600  Research

 Advanced Composites

Critical Hulls

Increase the capabilities of our shipyards.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Hit Points
 Interstellar Cabinet

Non Military Critical

Makes available more Ministers.

-80  Research

 Energy Dissipation Strategies


By deflecting the incoming energy, our Shields have less to resist.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Shield Enhancements


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Hyper Field Mass Drivers

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Stellar Emigration

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-400  Research

Jihad Allows Holy War to commence.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1 Cruiser
 Xeno Religions

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-60  Research

 Colonial Law And Policy

Non Military

Reduces Crime across our civilization.

-50  Research

 Cultural Affinity

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-800  Research

 Space Doctrine

Defense Critical

Unlocks Frigate class ships and the ability for ships and starbases to auto-volley.

-35  Research

  • +1  Max Enacted Policies
  • Can Auto Fire Weapons
  • Allows  Starship Specifications Policy
  • Unlocks  Frigate Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Siege Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Frigate Ship Category
  • Allows  Siege Ship Category
  • Unlocks Small Ship Hulls
 Stellar Marines


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-102  Research

  • +0.1  Soldiering
 Adaptive Missile System

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Really Late Stage Capitalism

Wealth Trade

First step to ensuring our currency is the galactic reserve currency.

-30  Research

  • Requires  Traders Ability
  • Requires  Governance Tech
 Coordinated Travel
Every ten turns, our ships' movement increases until they can traverse the galaxy nearly instantly.

-2200  Research

  • +1  Moves
  • +1  Moves
 Missile Warfare Doctrine

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Orbital Ship Assembly

Critical Hulls

Allows for more effective starship construction.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Capacity
 Doom Ray

Beam Weapon

Makes the Doom Ray available. It is exactly what it sounds like.

-432  Research

 Plasma Beams

Beam Weapon

Unlocks Plasma based beam weapon components for our ship designs.

-242  Research

 Dreadnought Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to design and build Dreadnought class starships.

-800  Research

  • Unlocks  Dreadnought Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Dreadnought Ship Category
  • Unlocks Huge Ship Hulls
 Armor Density Improvements


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-180  Research

 Predictive Processors
Increases the Intelligence of our citizens.

-242  Research

  • +1  Intelligence
 Mithrilarian Epics

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-152  Research

 Photonic Warhead System

Missile Weapon

Makes available the Photonic Missile system for our ship designs.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Photonic Warhead Ship Component
  • Unlocks  MeleraX Warhead Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Photonic Torpedo Array Starbase Module
 Economic Development

Non Military

Provides economic growth for our civilization.

-42  Research

 Shield Focus Adaption


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-276  Research

 Forged Beam Weapons

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-70  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +1  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Plasma Pod Ship Component


Allows formation of assimilation treaties.

-210  Research

 Interstellar Investments

Non Military

Advancing galactic-scale investment strategies.

-330  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
  • +5000  Diplomatic Capital
 Consensus Maker


Our diplomatic skills will increase every month.

-1800  Research

  • +3  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +3  Diplomacy Bonus
 Planetary Invasion

Invasion Critical

Allows the construction of Invasion Transports which are vital for invading core worlds.

-90  Research

  • Allows  Conscription Policy
  • Unlocks  Transport Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Spore Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Invader Ship Category

Critical Weapon

Provide a prototype Siege ship to conquer small enemy worlds.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Unrelenting Ability
  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • +1 Siege
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Glorious Legacy

Non Military

Provides ultimate understanding of the Precursors. Increases our influence every month until the universe is ours.

-2200  Research

  • +2 Culture Points
  • +10%  Influence Growth
 The Path
Allows construction of the Krynniac Temple and Ministry.

-80  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  Xeno Religions Tech
 Mass Manipulation

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Cultural Domination

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-800  Research

 Mascrinthus and Draginol

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-180  Research

 Weapon Systems

Critical Weapon

Allows for better integration of our newly invented space weapons.

-16  Research

  • +1  Beam Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Targeting Computer Ship Component
 Unbroken Spirit
Boost the Hitpoints of our ships.

-60  Research

  • +15%  Hit Points
 Xeno Economics

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-60  Research

 Planetary Mobilization

Defense Critical

Allows us to put our citizens to greater use.

-35  Research

 Avenger Missile System

Missile Weapon

Allows construction of basic Missile weapons.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Avenger Ship Component
 Open Trade Policy

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-80  Research



Improves our ability to defend our worlds against invasions.

-126  Research

  • +10  Planetary Defenses
 Defensive Discipline
Makes our ships' crews more effective when in defensive maneuvers.

-60  Research

  • +0.2  Evasion
 Black Market
Lets us build a Black Market.

-126  Research

 Shadow Enforcers
Allows construction of the Enforcement Temple.

-102  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-42  Research

  • Requires  Emissaries Tech
  • Blocked by  Synthetic Ability
 Cultural Influence

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-150  Research



Allows our citizens to work as one. Each month their diligence increases significantly.

-1810  Research

 Krynniac Conversion
Increase tourism income and influence on all our worlds.

-126  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  Xeno Theology Tech
  • +0.2  Tourism
  • +25%  Influence Growth
 Orbital Deployment Mastery
Increase the capabilities of our shipyards.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Hit Points
 Xeno Hospitality

Non Military

Enhances inter-species understanding and trade efficiency.

-42  Research