Ability Test

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Name Description Effects
AmphibiousAbility -  Aquatic Aquatic species live most of their lives deep in the oceans, giving them access to several unique Aquatic Techs. They can colonize Oceanic worlds with no penalty.
  • Colony gets +1  Mineral Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Technology Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Wealth Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Farming Conversion
  • At the start of the game unlocks the Exotic World Colonization tech
  • At the start of the game unlocks the Oceanic World Mastery tech
SiliconBasedAbility -  Silicon Based Silicon lifeforms are built from rocks and rare minerals. They have no need for food, though their Growth is slow unless they have access to plentiful amounts of Promethion.
  • Colony gets +1  Mineral Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Technology Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Wealth Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Farming Conversion
AmmoniaBasedAbility -  Ammonia Based Ammonia lifeforms thrive on volatile gases and complex nitrogen compounds. While they do consume food, their growth rate significantly accelerates in environments rich in pollutants.
  • Colony gets +1  Mineral Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Technology Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Wealth Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Farming Conversion
CarbonBasedLife -  Carbon Based Carbon-based species use water and hydrocarbons as the basis of their chemistry. Their populations require food in order to grow.
  • Colony gets +1  Mineral Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Technology Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Wealth Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Farming Conversion
SyntheticLife -  Synthetic Synthetics are robotic lifeforms that do not require food to survive, and can operate in a variety of environments. Unlike squishy organic species, Synthetics fabricate their population and can grow virtually unfettered.
  • Colony gets +1  Mineral Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Technology Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Wealth Conversion
  • Colony gets +1  Farming Conversion
  • +1 Can Colonize Extreme Worlds.
  • +1 Synthetic Life
  • At the start of the game unlocks the Durantium Cloud improvement