Governments and Commonwealths

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After colonizing a second planet the option appears to choose the type of government. Governments can affect what civilization can and can't do, offer bonuses and penalties, ships and cabinets. Governments' availability depends on the civilization's species, ideology and researched technologies.

Government traits Contracts - can hold elections

List of Governments

Name Prerequisites Description Details Cabinet members Unique Ship

NA We have brought peace and enlightenment to our planet. It is our responsibility to bring it to the worlds beyond.

Social Construction +10%

Growth +10%

Colony Limit 4

Holds Elections



NA Our history is littered with once great empires who stopped conquering and fell to ruin. We will not be one of them.

Diplomacy bonus -1

Ship Construction +20%

Moves +1

Colony Limit 4

No Elections


Bureaucrats Ability It is not race or a shared home that binds our nation together, but faith. Other governments fall away, but our religion is eternal.

Morale +1

Colony Limit 4

No Elections

Defender of the Faith

The symbol of our divine favor. The sight of it inspires the faith of the entire planet it orbits and provides +5 Morale.


Ancient Ability "Government is a tool of a flawed society. It is unneeded when each citizen is a reflection of our shared values." - Akari Malara

Influence Growth +10%

Colony Limit 4

Holds Elections


The Prefect links the manufacturing systems of the planet it orbits, providing +5 to All Construction.

Interstellar Republic

Diplomacy tech "Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we never had to put up a wall to keep our citizens in." - John F. Kennedy Prime Minister's Starship

The direct oversight of the Prime Minister invigorates a world, providing +30% to All Construction, Influence and Morale.

Media Assimilation

Environmental Engineering Tech You watch our entertainment and hunger for information about our celebrities. You wear our brands, and care about the issues we tell you about. You are already one of us. NA

Xeno Industrialization Tech

Benevolent Ideology

The health and happiness of our citizens is directly drawn from the health of our worlds. We cannot attend to one and ignore the other. NA
Stellar Monarchy

Interstellar Governance Tech I am the bedrock upon which this empire is built. It is only through my bloodline that it will survive and grow. Princess

The Princess is the left hand of our monarch, and her oversight provides +25% Income and +25% Morale to the planet her ship orbits.

Prince The Prince the is the right hand of our monarch, and his oversight provides +25% Military Production to the planet his ship orbits.

Information Oligarchy

Xeno Economics Tech By harnessing the power of our communication network we have discovered that we don't need a perfect government to make our citizens happy. We only need the propaganda of a perfect government. The Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand is capable of monitoring the financial transactions of an entire planet. It makes this data available to every investor, no matter how small, and everyone with a financial need so they can trade seamlessly. This provides +100% Income to the planet it orbits.

Emergency Coalition

Defense System Tech In times of crisis we need our government to claim complete control. Let us hope that they relinquish that control when the crisis has passed. Patriot

This heavily armed ship may be exactly what we need to save us in desperate times.

Owner Aristocracy

Galactic Governance

Malevolent Ideology

Governments are prone to failure when the society must trust each citizen to survive. This is an opposition to the natural order, the king should rule the empire, the strong should enslave the weak. The Flail

Initially produced to violently put down slave revolts, the Flail is just as effective at destroying enemy warships. The ship is so feared some owners create billboards to duplicate the Flail's shadow on the field where their slaves work.


Interstellar Democracy Tech We are no longer bound by roads and space lanes, but by communication networks. The physical world is only the bedrock that the infinite virtual worlds will be built upon. Science Czar

The Science Czar is able to simulate large interactions at the molecular level. By making this capability available to the planet it orbits it is able to provide +50% Research.

Infinite Jihad

Cultural Outreach Tech Other governments wage war for money, resources or vain disputes. But we bring truth. If you won't listen to our missionaries, you will find our soldiers even more compelling. Inquisitor

Though primarily designed for battle, the Inquisitor also provides +25% Military Production to the planet it orbits. This isn't because of any innate ability of the ship as much as the intimidating effect of its presence.

Galactic Empire

Galactic Governance Tech Our government will be managed by our most powerful citizens. They have more to gain and lose by the success of our society. Enforcer

This large warship was built to lead invasions. It even contains a manufacturing platform which can boost All Construction of planets it orbits by 25%.

Interstellar Plutocracy

Interstellar Banking Tech

Pragmatic Ideology

We have replaced our politicians with the corporations they represent. A citizen is only a cog in the wheel. Our corporations are eternal.

Administrator Jelon Administrator Jelon is a phenom. His oversight improves nearly all aspects of the planet he orbits, providing +10% Research, +10% Income, +10% Production and +10% Morale.


Quantum Understanding Tech Our society has grown too complex for individual minds. By turning our government over to the AI the costs of bureaucracy are gone and each citizen will receive direct care from the government. AI Overmind

Though the Overmind boosts the production of the planet it orbits, its legend is its true power. Orbiting like an obsidian moon it provides +100% Influence and +100% Social Construction to the planet it orbits.


Galactic Trade Tech

Pragmatic Ideology

"Most rally against the evils of corruption and greed, but for a government, altruism and hope are equally damaging."- Harondin Gaul NA
Star Federation

Star Federation Tech We cannot believe that we are the only ones fit to lead. Each world deserves respect, each people a voice. The government should serve all equally. Galactic President

By directly resolving local issues and needless bureaucracy the Galactic President provides +50% Production to the planet it orbits.

Galactic Communion

Stellar Emigration Tech

Benevolent Ideology

A government is a collection of people, not regions. Where our citizens are, so exists the state. Where a citizen celebrates, we all celebrate. Where a citizen suffers, we all suffer. Commissar

The Commissar is the galaxy's most opulent ship, and can host over ten thousand citizens in style. By maintaining a constant schedule of celebrities and dignitaries it provides +20 Morale to the planet it orbits.

Galactic Kingdom

Cultural Domination Tech

Malevolent Ideology

Let weaker governments fight internal battles. In our society each citizen will serve someone greater. There will be no disputes, only obedience and conquest. Viceroy

The Viceroy was built to conquer worlds. From leading the assault to providing +20% to All Construction for the planet it orbits so that they can rebuild before it moves on to the next system.

Coalition Government

Lose election. If we lose an election a Coalition governmnet will be formed, and power will be held by our political enemies. We must maintain the approval of our people, or rule by force, if we are to avoid this. NA


Commonwealths are civilizations that are created in-game. Since most forms of government tend to have limits on how many planets they can have before the population starts to get upset, commonwealths can alleviate that unrest. Commonwealths are permanently allied with their parent civilization and provide source of income. They also count towards the influence and tourism income of their parent civilization.