GC4:Event Test

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The Exile

We are exiling Mors Ven from our empire. We believe he is a black market trader and information dealer. However, we are unable to prove it and he is well-liked by our citizens.If something happened to his shuttle while it was within your borders, that would be a fortunate accident.

Choice Outcome
We can make sure that happens.

+3 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Ideology Nihilism
  • +3 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
We can make the accident happen, for a fee.
  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +500 Credits
We need talented men, recruit Mors Ven.

-3 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • -3 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
  • +1 Unassigned Leader Mors Ven

Technology Exchange

Our heroic explorers have come across a Precursor artifact left behind by the so-called Arnor. We are not able to make sense of it. It was suggested to us that you might be able to figure it out. We are willing to let you look at it provided that you share what you discover with us.

Choice Outcome
Accept the exchange knowing that it will benefit them more.

By accepting the technology exchange, we gain +25 research units. However, they gained much more.

  • +1 Ideology Collectivism
  • +2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns
  • +25 Research Amount
  • +50 Research Amount
Agree to look at the artifact and then 'accidentally' destroy it.

Your team will look at the artifact and suffer an acute case of butter fingers. -3 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 months. +25 Research for you.

  • +1 Ideology Individualism
  • -3 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns
  • +25 Research Amount
We are too busy for this.

By declining the technology exchange and isolating ourselves, we may strain diplomatic relations but can focus on our own path. -1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 months

  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 Turns

Space Creature Migration

A massive migration of strange space creatures are migrating through our territory. They are creating havoc in their wake. There is a great deal of political pressure on us to eliminate these creatures but we have heard you have a fondness for these kinds of things.

Choice Outcome
Protect the creatures

We will protect the space creatures and ensure their safe passage, earning the goodwill of other compassionate factions.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • +3 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
I have a better idea, we'll slaughter these creatures and extract new knowledge from them.

These creatures won't suffer too much. Probably.

  • +100 Credits
  • +1 Ideology Nihilism

Alternate Energy Source

Our civilization has recently discovered an alternate energy source, which we believe will revolutionize our industries. However, the energy source requires Elerium, a rare resource in our territory. We are requesting your help to develop this energy source. In return, we will share the benefits with your civilization.

Choice Outcome
Provide Elerium for research even if we have to borrow some.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months.

  • -1 Elerium
  • +2% Max Manufacturing
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
We'd totally love to help with this project but we don't want to..

-1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 months.

  • +5 Prestige
  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns

Refugees of disaster

Our home planet is suffering from a devastating natural disaster. Thousands of our people have been displaced and are seeking refuge. We ask for your assistance in this desperate time. Will you accept these refugees and help them find a new home?

Choice Outcome
Accept the refugees.

+1 to relations..

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
I have a better idea. We will pick them up and put them to work as slaves.

Sell them off to one of your people for 300 credits. -2 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +300 Credits
  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns

Disputed Territory

Our territory contains a disputed region rich in resources. Unfortunately, a rival political faction on our world is also claiming it as their own. We are open to negotiation, but we need your support. If you back our claim, we will share the resources with you. However, if you remain neutral, we may not be able to maintain a friendly relationship.

Choice Outcome
Support their claim and share the resources hoping that the rival faction never gains power.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 75 turns.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 75 Turns
  • +2 Ultra Spice
Remain neutral and let them handle the dispute.

-2 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 months

  • +1 Ideology Individualism
  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns

Damaged Trade Ship

One of our freighters from homeworld has been damaged by an ion storm leaving it stranded in deep space near your territory. We would like some assistance.

Choice Outcome
Send assistance to the stranded ship.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Trade Licenses Max
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
Seize the opportunity to tax their cargo.

+300 credits and -2 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +300 Credits
  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns

The Dreadlord Artifact

Our explorers have discovered an ancient artifact of unknown origin. Some believe it holds the key to unlocking advanced technology, while others argue that it is a relic of our ancestors and should be preserved.What should we do with this artifact?

Choice Outcome
Take the artifact and activate it.

Unknown but -1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +100 Ascension Points
  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
Create a joint task force to study the artifact.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +100 Diplomatic Capital
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns

Failed Colonization Effort

Some of our people have decided to try to colonize worlds without our sanction. Their ship failed and the passengers are dead and the ship has drifted near your space. We ask that you recover the ship for us. You can keep what you find on the ship.

Choice Outcome
Find and return the ship keeping the vast supply of goodies you find on the ship.

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +0.02 Approval
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
I think we'll just take the ship and the items on board.

-1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months.

  • +100 Credits
  • +0.02 Approval
  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns

Enemy of the state

One of our esteemed generals has dared to stage a coup against me! We have successfully thwarted his treacherous plans, but he has managed to evade our forces and has taken refuge on your homeworld. It is of the utmost importance that you cooperate in delivering this traitor back to us.

Choice Outcome
We will find and deliver the traitor

+1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +1 Ideology Totalitarianism
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns
This really isn't our problem. He can do what he wants..

We irritate {PLAYERFACTION:1} and the fugitive's actions are a pain for awhile. But his antics result in a comedy show.

  • +1 Ideology Pacifism
  • -5 Control
  • +0.02 Approval

Invasive Species

We are getting reports of destruction due to pests that originated from your homeworld that are now on our world from imports. We demand you pay us 500 credits to cover the cost of repairing the environment.

Choice Outcome
Compensate for the damages.

Pay them what they want. We give them a Monsantium Deposit and we lose one.

  • -500 Credits
  • -1 Monsatium Deposit
Not our problem.

-1 Relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 months

  • +10 Control
  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns

Cultural Invasion

The relentless tide of your people's music and culture has inundated our worlds, permeating every corner of our society. Vibrant melodies and infectious rhythms echo through our streets, distracting our citizens and disrupting the harmony of our way of life. The colorful tapestry of your traditions and customs entwines with our own, threatening to unravel the very fabric of our civilization. We demand that you intervene and quell the storm.

Choice Outcome
Impose strict cultural regulations.

We spend money and control but improve relations with the {PLAYERFACTION:1}.

  • -100 Credits
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 120 Turns
  • -10 Control
Promote cultural exchange whereby we actively promote their culture with our people.

Promote cultural exchange whereby we actively promote their culture with our people. This will lower our influence generation..

  • +1500 Diplomatic Capital
  • -10% Influence Per Turn
We'll license our music to native performers.

We improve people's moods on both sides.

  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns
  • +0.02 Approval

Cultural Exchange Festival

We have a proposal for you. In the interest of peace we would like to hold a Cultural Exchange Festival. The art, music, and traditions from both civilizations might promote understanding and unity.

Choice Outcome
Agree to the Festival

We have decided to promote the event, expecting an influx of tourists and a boost in cultural appreciation. However, we will have to spend some control to manage the diverse crowd.

  • +0.1 Tourism
  • -20 Control
Decline the Proposal

We have decided against the cultural festival. We prioritize our internal peace and stability. This decision, however, may not sit well with the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}.

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 24 Turns

The Pilgrimage Proposal

Our people are very spiritual. There are areas within your sphere of influence that our people believe connect them to the ancient Mithilar. Would you allow them to pass through your territory? We would appreciate it.

Choice Outcome
Allow the Pilgrimage.

Recognizing the spiritual significance and respecting their traditions, we have granted them permission for the pilgrimage. It will cost some control to ensure their safety.

  • -10 Control
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 24 Turns
No. I don't think so.

The last thing we need are a bunch of alien spies traveling through our space.

  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 48 Turns

The Ghastly Request

We, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}, are approaching a significant period in our lifecycle — our sacred mating ritual.For the ritual's success, we require sentients to feast upon. We would like you to provide these sentients. You can gather them from your prisons if that helps you justify it. But its importance to our kind cannot be overstated. Will you offer this gesture of goodwill?

Choice Outcome
Fine. Round up some criminals to feed to them.

The choice will surely cause unrest among our people. But it will improve relations at least. For now.

  • -0.05 Approval
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 Turns
Absolutely not.

They will be unhappy with this choice but our people will still respect you just as little tomorrow..

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 Turns

The Bloody Proposal

We, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}, have a long-standing tradition of games that test the true capabilities of one's physique and mental prowess. For warm up, your weak species would be well advised to provide some specimens for our warriors to practice on.

Choice Outcome
Only if I get to watch.

Our people will likely be horrified by this decision, but it may prevent further conflict with the cruel {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}.

  • -0.06 Approval
  • +2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns
Refuse their vile proposal

While our people will be relieved, this might further sour our relations with them.

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns

Deepwater Festival

The {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1} cordially invites your people to join our Deepwater Festival, a celebration of our amphibious heritage. We request some of your best swimmers to experience the depth of our oceans. It's a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But, we must admit, it comes with some risks. Will you accept?

Choice Outcome
We will send volunteers.

It's an opportunity for cultural exchange but also some risk if any of our swimmers die.

  • -0.02 Approval
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns
This is too dangerous for us to participate in.

Even though we have some people who would jump at the chance to participate, the scandal if something went wrong would be a disaster.

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns

Deep Water

Our people, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}, have a profound connection to water. We wish to explore the depths of your oceans, study its inhabitants, and understand its mysteries.We assure you, our intentions are purely scientific. Would you permit us?

Choice Outcome
This sounds great.

It's a step towards interstellar cooperation, but our coastal communities are particularly wary.

  • -0.03 Approval
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns
No. Our worlds are not open for this.

We value our autonomy and the sentiments of our people. The seas remain ours alone.

  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 30 Turns

The Way

As you know, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1} have been enlightened by The Way. We wish to bring you salvation by setting up shrines on your planets, teaching your people of our sacred beliefs. Embrace The Way and allow us to guide you to the true path. Do you accept?

Choice Outcome
Very well. Set up your shrines.

This will reduce our cultural influence growth for a time.

  • -10% Influence Per Turn
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns
Our people are not interested.

They may not take this rejection lightly, but our influence remains undiminished.

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns

Dream Spies

We've been watching you. We know your people have been infiltrating the dreams of the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}. We're not crazy. We demand 10 units of Antimatter to build a device to shield our minds from your prying.

Choice Outcome
You can have the Antimatter but I doubt it will help.

While the claims are baseless, this might be the way to keep the peace.

  • -10 Antimatter
  • +1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 Turns
If you have to say you're not crazy...

They might be furious, but we won't be bullied based on delusions.

  • -2 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 25 Turns

Weapons of War

We, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}, have come across some... extra military hardware. We thought you might be interested. These arms will significantly bolster your weapons capabilities. However, remember, such deals remain between us. Do we have an agreement?

Choice Outcome
Better weapons on our ships? Yes. Yes please.

These weapons will help but they will lower our overall diplomatic ability.

  • +1 Beam Attack
  • -1 Diplomacy
We must pass on this.

We are not in the habit of installing strange weapons from foreign governments.

  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 20 Turns

Special Offer

We, the {PLAYERFACTIONLONG:1}, have a limited time offer for you. A rare Harmony Crystal, known to enhance the wellbeing and productivity of colonies or something. All we ask for in return is a modest sum.

Choice Outcome
Take the deal

We can use this.

  • +1 Harmony Crystals
  • -100 Credits
We can't afford it right now.

Perhaps another time, when our coffers are more abundant.

Persuasion Workshop

Our traders have honed the art of persuasion through countless dealings across the galaxy. For a fee we'd be willing to share some of these trade secrets with you. This knowledge could greatly benefit your future negotiations. Interested?

Choice Outcome
Invest in the workshop

The art of persuasion is a valuable skill. We accept. We can use persuassion when trading to get better deals.

  • +10 Persuasion
  • -150 Credits
Decline the offer

We will rely on our own methods of negotiation.

Crystal Resonance

The {PLAYERFACTION:1} have come to you with a proposal. We can detect harmonics that are beyond your imagination. We are willing to share knowledge on how to detect these harmonics which should aid your science but in return we want access to some of your worlds that have unique crystalline formations.

Choice Outcome
Grant access.

The ancient knowledge of the universe is invaluable. We accept.

  • +50 Research Amount
  • -0.02 Approval
No thank you.

Our resources are for our own use. We cannot grant access. This may insult them.

  • -1 Diplomacy to {PLAYERFACTION:1} for 50 Turns