Likeable4 - Unlikeable
Modifies other players' attitude toward you
Rich4 - Poor
Modifies how quickly credits are gained
Farmer1 - Farmers
Makes advanced farming technologies available.
Rich2 - Rich
Modifies how quickly credits are gained
Productive3 - Unproductive
Modifies how quickly improvements are built on your planets
- -15% Colony Max Manufacturing
Persuasive3 - Unconvincing
Modifies your chance to use Persuasion in events and diplomacy
Persuasive4 - Unconvincing
Modifies your chance to use Persuasion in events and diplomacy
Courageous2 - Courageous
Modifies the ability to resist Invasions
- +20% Colony Planetary Defenses MaxHP
Influential2 - Influential
Modifies how quickly borders are expanded
- +10% Colony Influence Per Turn
Productive2 - Productive
Modifies how quickly improvements are built on your planets
- +10% Colony Max Manufacturing
Fast1 - Fast
Modifies how far your ships can travel each turn
Fast2 - Fast
Modifies how far your ships can travel each turn
Intimidating3 - Meek
Modifies your chance to use Intimidation in events and diplomacy
Clever2 - Clever
Modifies how quickly technologies are learned
Courageous1 - Courageous
Modifies the ability to resist Cultural Influence effects
- +30% Colony Planetary Defenses MaxHP
Explorer1 - Explorers
Modifies how far your ships can travel from your borders
- +4 Ship Range
- +4 Ship Sensor Range
Likeable3 - Unlikeable
Modifies other players' attitude toward you
Intimidating4 - Meek
Modifies your chance to use Intimidation in events and diplomacy
Influential1 - Influential
Modifies how quickly borders are expanded
- +15% Colony Influence Per Turn
Militant3 - Passive
Decreases your starting Control
Persuasive2 - Persuasive
Modifies your chance to use Persuasion in events and diplomacy
Productive1 - Productive
Modifies how quickly improvements are built on your planets
- +15% Colony Max Manufacturing
Deceptive4 - Bad Liar
Modifies your chance to use Deception in events and diplomacy
Bureaucrat1 - Bureaucrats
Makes additional organizational technologies available
- +1 Faction Control Per Turn
Deceptive1 - Deceptive
Modifies your chance to use Deception in events and diplomacy
Urbanite1 - Urbanites
Has access to more advanced city building technologies
- +25% Colony Population Cap
Explorer2 - Explorers
Modifies how far your ships can travel from your borders
- +2 Ship Range
- +2 Ship Sensor Range
Courageous4 - Craven
Modifies the ability to resist Invasions
- -0.3 Colony Resistance Bonus
Explorer3 - Explorers
Modifies how far your ships can travel from your borders
Persuasive1 - Persuasive
Modifies your chance to use Persuasion in events and diplomacy
Brutal4 - Gentle
Modifies the success of Planetary Invasions
Clever4 - Foolish
Modifies how quickly technologies are learned
Veteran3 - Veteran
Modifies how quickly your ships gain experience
Militant4 - Passive
Decreases your starting Control
Rich3 - Poor
Modifies how quickly credits are gained
Clever1 - Clever
Modifies how quickly technologies are learned
Intimidating1 - Intimidating
Modifies your chance to use Intimidation in events and diplomacy
Deceptive2 - Deceptive
Modifies your chance to use Deception in events and diplomacy
Veteran1 - Veteran
Modifies how quickly your ships gain experience
Productive4 - Unproductive
Modifies how quickly improvements are built on your planets
- -30% Colony Max Manufacturing
Courageous3 - Craven
Modifies the ability to resist Invasions
- -0.15 Colony Resistance Bonus
Brutal1 - Brutal
Modifies the success of Planetary Invasions
Veteran2 - Veteran
Modifies how quickly your ships gain experience
Likeable2 - Likeable
Modifies other players' attitude toward you
Likeable1 - Likeable
Modifies other players' attitude toward you
Deceptive3 - Bad Liar
Modifies your chance to use Deception in events and diplomacy
Intimidating2 - Intimidating
Modifies your chance to use Intimidation in events and diplomacy
Influential4 - Forgettable
Modifies how quickly borders are expanded
- -30% Colony Influence Per Turn
Veteran4 - Veteran
Modifies how quickly your ships gain experience
Influential3 - Forgettable
Modifies how quickly borders are expanded
- -15% Colony Influence Per Turn
Miners1 - Miners
Increases output from asteroid mining.
- +50% Asteroid Production Points
Militant1 - Militant
Increases your starting Control
Brutal3 - Gentle
Modifies the success of Planetary Invasions
Explorer4 - Explorers
Modifies how far your ships can travel from your borders
Militant2 - Militant
Increases your starting Control
Brutal2 - Brutal
Modifies the success of Planetary Invasions
Rich1 - Rich
Modifies how quickly credits are gained
Clever3 - Foolish
Modifies how quickly technologies are learned