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Abilities are distinct from traits in that they represent the culture of a given race, rather than any innate characteristics. Civilizations can pick any two abilities at the start of the game.

Galactiv Civilizations III Abilities

Name Description Requirements
Adaptable Can colonize tier 1 extreme worlds.  
Amphibious Can colonize water worlds early game, with no penalty. Can terraform 1 extra water tile each tech age. Converted to a Race Type in Crusade. Mercenaries expansion
Ancient Gets Research from Precursor Artifacts.  
Coercive Planets can adjust their planetary Production manually.  
Colonizers First improvement on all new colonies is free.  
Discreet Receives a free random tier 1 mercenary every game, when they first encounter the Bazaar. Mercenaries expansion
Engineers Shipyard production decays at half of the normal rate.  
Entrepreneurs Trade Routes give Approval bonuses to both parties and 2 extra Trade Routes  
Intuitive Starts with free Research (250 research)  
Knowledgeable Starts knowing the location of other homeworlds  
Paranoid Free drones defend planets, shipyards and starbases  
Prolific Planets start with 100% more population than is brought on the Colony ship  
Scavengers Have a 25% chance capturing the ships of your vanquished foes. Revenge of the Snathi DLC
Starfaring All starbases get the first module free. All ships are immune to Nebula  
Synthetic Disables Food and natural Growth. Instead an Assembly project is used to produce Citizens. Converted to a Race Type in Crusade.  
Unrelenting Invasions never cost credits  
Unwavering Colonies are much harder to Culture flip  
Vigilant Starbase have larger Areas of Effect. Enemy ships are slowed, and player ships gain an attack bonus, while in the area of any starbase. Mercenaries expansion
Warriors Ignore 10% of all damage done to their ships. All weapons have 10% longer range. Mercenaries expansion
Wealthy Starts with tourism enabled and with extra credits (+2500bc)  
Zealots Get an Ideology point each time you invade a planet (15 points to dominant Ideology)  

Crusade Abilities

Crusade changed, replaced, and added many abilities in the game.

Name Description
Adaptable Can colonize Aquatic, Frozen, and Barren worlds.
Amphibious Converted to a Race Type.
Ancient Gets Research from Precursor Artifacts. Recieves access to Precursor technologies. 
Angry They're just very angry. Start with a military vessel.
Bureaucrats Starts game with extra Administrators.
Certain Believes their philosophy should be universal. Has increased influence and special planet improvements.
Colonizers First improvement on all new colonies is free.
Coercive Removed; production sliders have been replaced by Citizens.
Conquerors Legions start at twice as good as everyone else's.
Cybernetic Gives access to more powerful technologies and improvements for races who are not afraid to interface with superior technologies.
Determined Ships get +5 tiles of range.
Discreet Receives a free random tier 1 mercenary every game, when they first encounter the Bazaar.
Engineers Shipyard and asteroid production decays at half of the normal rate.
Experienced All ships recieve 25% more experience points from battles.
Entrepreneurs Replaced by Traders.
Heroic Starts with War College technology, bonuses to legions defending planets.
Hopeful Believes any civilization capable of space travel must be a potential friend. Higher morale on planets.
Intuitive Starts with free Research (250 research).
Inventive Starts with an Engineer citizen and a Constructor ship.
Knowledgeable Starts knowing the location of other homeworlds.
Paranoid Free drones defend planets, shipyards and starbases.
Prolific Planets start with 50% more population than is brought on the Colony ship. Population grows much faster.
Resourceful Starts with some useful resources.
Scavengers Have a 25% chance capturing the ships of your vanquished foes.
Slavers Gain access to slaving technologies and earn additional Idealogy points each time you conquer a world.
Sneaky Starts with Espionage technology.
Starfaring Ships immune to nebula and has access to special Hyperion improvements.
Synthetic Converted to a Race Type.
Time Travelers Traveled back to this time from the future. Great tech, no infrastructure. Starts the game with Star Federation, Stellar Folding, and Large Scale Construction.
Traders Starts with freighter, access to special trade related improvements, access to Acquisition technologies.
Unrelenting Invasions never cost credits.
Unwavering Colonies are much harder to Culture flip.
Vigilant Starbase have larger Areas of Effect. Enemy ships are slowed, and player ships gain an attack bonus, while in the area of any starbase.
Warriors Ignore 10% of all damage done to their ships. All weapons have 10% longer range.
Wealthy Starts with 1000 more credits. Planets start with an extra production point.
Xenophobic Not interested in expanding. Wants to build a small, secure empire.

List of what Abilities do

Supplied by Starship_Trooper [INFO Racial Abilities, all DLCs v3.01]


+ starts with Extreme Colonization tech

+ gets access to Ultimate Adaptability tech (prereq: Biosphere Perfection)

  • removes penalties from extreme worlds
  • gives production bonus to extreme worlds <how much and what exactly?>

+ can build Precursor Archive improvement (Xeno Research)

  • Research +25%, Level: Research +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Research, costs 1 Promethion, one per player


+ receives 10 research points when surveying an anomaly

+ gets research from Precursor Artifacts (Approval, Culture, Economic and Manufacturing Relics also count as Research Relics; Research Relics do not get a bonus)

+ gets research from Ascension Crystals (flat bonus depending on level: L1 = 1, L2 = 3, L3 = 6, L4 = 10, L5 = 15)

+ gets access to Inherent Talent tech (prereq: Targeting Support)

  • Accuracy +10%, Dodge +10%

+ gets access to Xeno Mysticism tech line (prereq: Colonial Settlements)

  • Xeno Mysticism
    • Social Matrix improvement: All Construction +10%, Research +10%, Level: All Construction +1% / Research +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to All Construction / Research, costs 1 Arnor Spice, one per planet
  • Precursor History >> Way of the Arnor: Research +5%, Influence +5%
  • Precursor History >> Way of the Dread Lords: Ship Construction +5%, Soldiering +5%
  • Dark Energy Research
    • Dark Energy Lab improvement: All Construction +15%, Research +15%, Level: All Construction +1% / Research +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to All Construction / Research, costs 1 Arnor Spice, one per planet (upgrades from Social Matrix)

+ gets access to Precursor Traditions tech line (prereq: Orbital Specialization)

  • Precursor Traditions: Maintenance -10%, Ship Construction +10%, Capacity +10%
  • Precursor Specialization >> Healing Hulls: Tactical Repair +2
  • Precursor Specialization >> Intelligent Ships: Logistics requirement -20%
  • Precursor Specialization >> Organic Materials: Hitpoints +20%
  • Precursor Mysteries
    • Precursor Protection Field fleet support component: boosts the defenses of all ships in fleet (only those that the ship already has) by (probably) 25%, mass 15, costs 1 Elerium / 1 Durantium / 1 Antimatter
  • Living Ships: Maintenance -100%, Tactical Repair +5


+ starts with a Small beam warship


+ starts with 10 additional Administration points

+ gets access to Coordination Temple tech line (prereq: Environmental Engineering)

  • Coordination Temple
    • Coordination Temple improvement: Adj: +2 to Research / Approval / Population / All Construction / Influence / Tourism / Wealth, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet
  • Labor Mission
    • Labor Mission improvement: Adj: +3 to Research / Approval / Population / All Construction / Influence / Tourism / Wealth, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet (upgrades from Coordination Temple)
  • Labor Oracle
    • Labor Oracle improvement: Adj: +4 to Research / Approval / Population / All Construction / Influence / Tourism / Wealth, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet (upgrades from Labor Mission)


+ all planets get +2 Influence

+ receives 100 research points whenever it unlocks an Ideology trait

+ gets access to Defensive Meditation tech (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Soldiering +5%, Planetary Defence +5%

+ can build Precursor Souvenir Shop improvement (Interstellar Tourism)

  • Gross Income +10%, Tourism Income +2%, Level: Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Wealth / Tourism, costs 1 Arnor Spice, one per planet

+ cannot build Entertainment Center, Entertainment Network, Stadium, Mega Resort or Virtual World

+ instead can build Healing Pools, Meditation Center, Communion Shrine, Shrine of Tandis, Drathian Temple and Shrine of the Mithrilar


+ receives 1 Administration point when colonizing a planet


+ all planets get +1 Ship Construction

+ Soldiering +1.0

+ receives 2500 credits whenever it conquers a planet


+ can train Mechanic citizen at game start

  • global pool only
  • +1 to Moves, +1% to Research per level <bugged?>
  • no promotions


+ Ship Range +5 (bugged: does not give range bonus)


+ starts with 4 additional Administration points

+ starts with a Cleric citizen

+ whenever it unlocks an Ideology trait all planets receive 100 influence points

+ gets access to Krynniac Conversion tech (prereq: Pilgrimage)

  • Tourism Income +25%, Influence +25%
  • can train Cleric citizen
    • +10% to Influence when in global pool
    • +30% to Influence and +1 to Influence per level when assigned to planet
    • no promotions

+ gets access to The Path tech line (prereq: Commerce Specialization)

  • The Path
    • Krynniac Temple improvement: Morale +2, Influence +0.1, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Approval / Influence
    • Krynniac Ministry improvement: Morale +15%, Influence +15%, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Tourism Income +2%, Adj: +3 to Approval / Influence / Tourism, one per player
  • The Calling
    • Krynniac Mission improvement: Morale +4, Influence +0.2, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Approval / Influence (upgrades from Krynniac Temple)
  • The Order
    • Krynniac Order improvement: Morale +6, Influence +0.3, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Approval / Influence (upgrades from Krynniac Mission)
    • Krynniac Sanctuary improvement: Morale +25%, Influence +25%, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Tourism Income +3%, Adj: +4 to Approval / Influence / Tourism, one per galaxy
  • The Way
    • Krynniac Oracle improvement: Morale +10%, Influence +10%, Level: Morale +1 / Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Approval / Influence, one per planet
  • The Krynniac Way >> The Way of Leadership: Influence +25%
  • The Krynniac Way >> The Way of Bliss: Morale +25%

+ gets access to Jihad tech line (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Jihad: Beam / Kinetic / Missile attack +10%
  • Krynniac Jihad >> Shadow Warriors: Soldiering +25%
  • Krynniac Jihad >> Devout Defenders: Planetary Defense +25%
  • Krynniac Jihad >> Steadfast Faith: Rebellion Points +15
  • Divine Fleets
    • Divine Temple Module fleet support component: boosts the defenses of all ships in fleet by 50%, mass 15, costs 1 Elerium / 1 Durantium / 1 Antimatter
  • Divine Mastery >> Undaunted Crews: Hitpoints +20%
  • Divine Mastery >> Righteous Strength: Armor Rating / Shield Strength / Point Defense +10%

+ gets access to The Path of Shadows tech line (prereq: Cultural Influence)

  • The Path of Shadows: Influence +10%
    • Shadow Temple improvement: Diplomacy +0.5, Adj: +2 to Approval / Influence, one per planet
  • Shadow Enforcers: Morale +0.3
    • Enforcement Temple improvement: Gross Income +25%, Level: Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Wealth, one per planet
  • Shadow Trade: Trade Route Income +25%, Trade Licenses Max +2


+ Diplomacy +1.0

+ gets access to Majesty tech (prereq: Eminence)

  • Diplomacy +1.0
  • allows assimilation treaties <do these exist?>

+ can build Galactic Council improvement (Universal Translator)

  • grants a Diplomat citizen, Influence +1, Level: Influence +1 per lvl, Adj: +4 to Influence, one per galaxy


+ receives a random tier 1 mercenary upon discovering bazaar


+ shipyard and asteroid mines decay reduced by 50%


+ ships gain 25% more experience


+ starts with War College tech

+ Planetary Resistance +25%


+ Morale +1


+ starts with 50 Research points (auto-assigned to Universal Translator + Xeno Commerce)

+ can build Data Center improvement at game start

  • Research +10%, Level: Research +2.5% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Research, one per planet

+ gets access to Xeno Anthropology tech line (prereq: Commerce Specialization)

  • Xeno Anthropology
    • Xeno Anthropology Center improvement: Diplomacy +0.1, Influence +0.1, Level: Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Tourism / Influence / Wealth / Approval, one per planet
  • Anthropology Specialization >> Adaptive Anthropology: Diplomacy +1.0
  • Anthropology Specialization >> Educational Anthropology: Influence +10%
  • Anthropology Specialization >> Economic Anthropology: Gross Income +10%
  • Universal Outreach
    • Universal Outreach Center improvement: Diplomacy +0.1, Influence +0.2, Level: Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Tourism / Influence / Wealth / Approval, one per planet (upgrades from Xeno Anthropology Center)
  • Future Studies
    • Future Studies Center improvement: Diplomacy +0.1, Influence +0.3, Level: Influence +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Tourism / Influence / Wealth / Approval, one per planet (upgrades from Universal Outreach Center)


+ starts with 1 Constructor ship

+ starts with Zero Gravity Construction tech


+ starts knowing the homeworld locations of all major and minor civilizations

+ gets access to Gravitonics tech line (prereq: Orbital Specialization)

  • Gravitonics: Capacity +10%
  • Gravitonic Specialization >> Offensive Gravitonics: Beam / Missile / Kinetic Weapon Mass -5%
  • Gravitonic Specialization >> Defensive Gravitonics: Shield System / Point Defense / Armor Mass -5%
  • Gravitonic Specialization >> System Gravitonics: Drive / Life Support / Sensor Mass -5%
  • Gravitonic Manipulation: Capacity +15%
  • Gravitonic Mastery: Capacity +20%


+ planets, shipyards and starbases get 2 interceptor drones when defending

+ gets access to Molecular Fabrication tech line (prereq: Colonial Settlements)

  • Molecular Fabrication
    • Molecular Fabricator improvement: All Construction +5%, Research +5%, Level: All Construction +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to All Construction / Research, one per planet
  • Molecular Specialization >> Molecular Manufacturing: Social Construction +5%
  • Molecular Specialization >> Molecular Farming: Food +5%
  • Molecular Specialization >> Molecular Computers: Research +5%
  • Industrial Replication
    • Industrial Replicator improvement: All Construction +10%, Research +10%, Level: All Construction +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to All Construction / Research, costs 1 Promethion / 1 Durantium, one per planet (upgrades from Molecular Fabricator)


+ gets 50% bonus population on colonization 

+ Population Growth +20%


+ receives resources at game start: 2 Durantium, 2 Hyper Silicates


+ after winning a battle each enemy ship has a 25% chance of being captured

+ gets access to Vicious tech (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Soldiering +10%, Resistance +10%

+ gets access to Recovery tech line (prereq: Orbital Specialization)

  • Recovery: Scavenger's Chance +10%, Mining +1.0, Strategic Repair +10%
  • Scavenging: Scavenger's Chance +25%
  • Scavenging Specialization >> Research Scavenging: Research +15%
  • Scavenging Specialization >> Structural Scavenging: Hitpoints +15%
  • Scavenging Specialization >> Smart Scavenging: Strategic Repair +15%
  • Creative Recycling: Scavenger's Chance +10%, All Construction +10%
  • Ultimate Scavengers: Scavenger's Chance +25%


+ receives 15 points of its predominant Ideology whenever it conquers a planet

+ can train Slave Master citizen at game start

  • no effect when in global pool
  • All Construction +25% when assigned to planet
  • no promotions

+ gets access to Slaveling Recycling tech line (prereq: Soil Reclamation)

  • Slaveling Recycling
    • Slave Recycler improvement: Food +10%, Level: Food +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Population, one per planet
  • Protein Resequencing
    • Protein Resequencer improvement: Food +20%, Level: Food +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Population, one per planet (upgrades from Slave Recycler)

+ no access to Food Distribution, Xeno Irrigation, Biomass Resequencing or Bio Replication

+ can build Garrison improvement (Xeno Combat Techniques)

  • Resistance +50%, Level: Ship Construction +1% / Resistance +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Ship Construction, one per planet

+ cannot build Computer Core, Central Bank, Starport, Space Elevator, Factory, Xeno Factory, Mega Factory, Manufacturing Center or Industrial Sector

+ instead can build Work Camp, Forced Labor Camp, Slave Camp, Slave Works, Devil's Forge, Slave Pit, Slave Mill and Slave Factory

+ cannot build Xeno Research Laboratory, Research Institute, Research Center, Research Academy, Discovery Sphere or Technological Capital

+ instead can build Research Chamber, Research Stockade, Research Motivator, Research Extractor and Research Amplifier

+ cannot build Entertainment Center, Entertainment Network, Stadium, Mega Resort or Virtual World

+ instead can build Fighting Pit, Arena, Slaughtertorium and Hunting Grounds


+ starts with Espionage tech


+ ships and starbases are immune to nebula effects <can they build starbases in nebulae?>

+ can build Hyperion Logistics System improvement (Interstellar Logistics)

  • Logistics per ship -1 to sponsored Shipyard, Level: Logistics +1 per lvl, Adj: +1 to Ship Construction, costs 1 Durantium / 1 Helios Ore, one per player

+ can build Hyperion Shrinker improvement (Zero Gravity Construction)

  • Capacity +10%, Level: Capacity +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Ship Construction, costs 1 Durantium / 1 Helios Ore, one per player

+ can build Hyperion Supply System improvement (Life Support)

  • Ship Range +10% to sponsored Shipyard, Level: Ship Range +5% to sponsored Shipyard per lvl, Adj: +1 to Ship Construction, costs 1 Durantium / 1 Helios Ore, one per player

+ can build Hyperion Shipyard improvement (Hull Strengthening)

  • Hitpoints +5 to sponsored Shipyard, Level: Hitpoints +1 to sponsored Shipyard per lvl, Adj: +1 to Ship Construction, costs 1 Durantium / 1 Helios Ore, one per player

Time Travelers

+ starts with Stellar Folding, Large Scale Construction and Eminence techs

+ gets access to Dimensional Weapons tech line (prereq: War College)

  • Dimensional Weapons: Beam / Kinetic / Missile Attack +5%
  • Dimensional Shifting Weapons >> Beam Shifting: Beam Accuracy +10%
  • Dimensional Shifting Weapons >> Missile Shifting: Missile Accuracy +10%
  • Dimensional Shifting Weapons >> Kinetic Shifting: Kinetic Accuracy +10%

+ gets access to Dimensional Phasing tech line (prereq: War College)

  • Dimensional Phasing: Dodge +10%
  • Dimensional Defense Focus >> Shield Phasing: Shield Strength +10%
  • Dimensional Defense Focus >> Phased Point Defenses: Point Defense +10%
  • Dimensional Defense Focus >> Phased Armor: Armor Rating +10%


+ starts with 1 Freighter ship

+ Trade Licenses Max +5

+ can build Trade Post improvement (Interstellar Trade)

  • Trade Route Value +10%, Level: Trade Route Value +5% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Wealth / Tourism, one per planet

+ can build Trade Center improvement (Galactic Trade)

  • Trade Route Value +25%, Level: Trade Route Value +5% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Wealth / Tourism, one per planet (upgrades from Trade Post)

+ can build Trade Capital improvement (Interstellar Trade)

  • Trade Route Value +100%, Influence +25%, Level: Trade Route Value +5% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Wealth / Tourism, one per player

+ gets access to Trade Focus tech line (prereq: Galactic Trade)

  • Trade Focus >> Trade Tariffs: Trade Route Value +20%
  • Trade Focus >> Trade Route Focus: Trade Licenses Max +1
  • Galactic Facilitation: Trade Licenses Max +2
    • Customs Office improvement: Trade Route Value +50%, Level: Trade Route Value +5% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Wealth / Tourism, one per planet (upgrades from Trade Center)
    • Trading Hub starbase improvement: Trade Route Value +10%, costs 2 Promethion
  • Trade Masters: Trade Licenses Max +2
    • Galactic Bazaar improvement: civ-wide Trade Route Value +25%, Level: civ-wide Trade Route Value +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Wealth / Tourism, costs 1 Elerium / 1 Arnor Spice, one per galaxy
    • Trading Mecca starbase improvement: Trade Route Value +10%, costs 4 Promethion

+ gets access to Marketing tech line (prereq: Xeno Economics)

  • Marketing
    • Iridium Store improvement: Influence +0.1, Gross Income +15%, Level: Influence +1% / Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Wealth / Influence, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet
    • Galactic Showcase improvement: Influence +50%, Gross Income +50%, Level: Influence +1% / Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +1 to Wealth / Influence, costs 1 Techapod, one per galaxy <bugged? bonuses actually civ-wide?>
  • Interstellar Commerce
    • Iridium Center improvement: Influence +0.2, Gross Income +20%, Level: Influence +1% / Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Wealth / Influence, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet (upgrades from Iridium Store)
  • Marketing Masters
    • Iridium World improvement: Influence +0.5, Gross Income +25%, Level: Influence +1% / Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +3 to Wealth / Influence, costs 1 Techapod, one per planet (upgrades from Iridium Center)

+ gets access to Acquisitions tech line (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Acquisitions: Starbase Range +2, grants 1 Small warship <is this correct?>
  • Acquisition Specialization >> Weapons Quality: Beam / Kinetic / Missile Attack +5%
  • Acquisition Specialization >> Defense Quality: Shield Strength / Armor Rating / Point Defense +5%
  • Acquisition Specialization >> Ship Quality: Hitpoints +10%


+ Invasions never cost credits

+ all planets get +1 Influence

+ gets access to Black Market tech (prereq: Xeno Economics)

  • Black Market improvement: Gross Income +25%, Level: Gross Income +1% per lvl, Adj: +2 to Wealth / Research / Social Construction, one per planet (bugged: only accessible if both Unrelenting and Slavers)


+ Rebellion Points +20

+ gets access to Unbroken Spirit tech line (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Unbroken Spirit: Hitpoints +15%
  • Defensive Discipline: Dodge +20%
  • Defensive Trance: Beam / Kinetic / Missile Damage Resistance +20%


+ Starbase Range +1

+ ships in any starbase's ZOC are granted +1 to those attacks that they already have

+ all starbases start out with +1 to all attacks and +10 to all defenses (this is actually worse than other cultures, default is 6/8/6/5/5/5)

+ starbases decrease speed of enemy ships in their ZOC <which starbases and by how much?>

+ gets access to Interstellar Navigation tech line (prereq: Interstellar Specialization)

  • Interstellar Navigation
    • Navigation Center improvement: Moves +1, Adj: +1 to Social Construction / Influence, costs 1 Techapod, one per galaxy
  • Navigation Network
    • Galactic Navigation Network improvement: Moves +1, Adj: +2 to Social Construction / Influence, costs 2 Techapod, one per galaxy
  • Navigational Expertise
    • Galactic Navigators Guild improvement: Moves +1, Adj: +3 to Social Construction / Influence, costs 4 Techapod, one per galaxy

+ gets access to Stellar Forge tech line (prereq: Orbital Specialization)

  • Stellar Forge
    • Stellar Forge improvement: Ship Construction +4, Hitpoints +10% to sponsored Shipyard, Ship Maintenance -10% to sponsored Shipyard, Level: Ship Construction +1 per lvl, Adj: +1 to Social Construction / Ship Construction / Research, costs 1 Xanthium, one per planet
  • Stellar Optimization >> Stellar Enhancement: Hitpoints +4
  • Stellar Optimization >> Stellar Fortification: all ships Maintenance -25%
  • Robust Hull Construction
    • Hull Integrity Generator ship component: increases ship repair speed <by how much?>, Hitpoints +10, mass 1, costs 1 Durantium
    • Arcean Hull Reinforcement ship component: Hitpoints +15, mass 1, costs 1 Durantium
  • Hull Repair Systems
    • Structural Enhancement Field fleet support component: grants Tactical Repair +1 to all ships in fleet, mass 15, costs 1 Thulium
    • Repair Drones fleet support component: grants Tactical Repair +2.5 to all ships in fleet, mass 15, costs 1 Thulium

+ gets access to Territorial Reinforcement tech line (prereq: War College)

  • Territorial Reinforcement
    • Starbase Fortification Module starbase improvement: Shield Strength / Armor Rating / Point Defense +5, costs 1 Elerium / 1 Antimatter / 1 Thulium
  • Reinforcement Optimization >> Starbase Reinforcement: all starbases get +50 Hitpoints
  • Reinforcement Optimization >> Starbase Guardians: all starbases get 2 interceptor drones
  • Starbase Fortification
    • Interstellar Defense Module starbase improvement: Move Cost -25% to own ships, Move Cost +25% to enemy ships in ZOC, costs 1 Durantium / 1 Elerium / 1 Thulium / 1 Promethion
  • Starbase Fortification Focus >> Starbase Battle Coordination: Beam / Kinetic / Missile Attack +20%
  • Starbase Fortification Focus >> Starbase Defense Coordination: Shield Strength / Armor Rating / Point Defense +20%
  • Zalon Defense System
    • Zalon Defense System fleet support component: increases the attack of all ships in fleet by 15%, reduces the defense of all enemy ships by 15%, can be put multiple times on a ship, mass 5, costs 1 Elerium / 1 Durantium / 1 Antimatter
    • Zalon Defense System starbase improvement: increases the attack of all ships in starbase's ZOC by 25%, reduces the defenses of all enemy ships in starbase's ZOC by 25%, costs 2 Durantium / 2 Elerium / 2 Antimatter / 2 Thulium / 2 Promethion

+ gets access to Xeno Geology tech line (prereq: Biosphere Perfection)

  • Xeno Geology: colony Maintenance -5%, Morale +1
  • Weather Control
    • Weather Control Center improvement: Raw Production +15%, Maintenance -15%, Morale +15%, Level: Morale +0.5 per lvl, Adj: +1 to All Construction / Research / Approval / Population / Influence / Tourism / Wealth, costs 5 Nanites, one per planet
  • Weather Control Zenith
    • Weather Control Zenith improvement: Raw Production +30%, Maintenance -30%, Morale +30%, Level: Morale +0.5 per lvl, Adj: +1 to All Construction / +2 to Research / Approval / Population / Influence / Tourism / Wealth, costs 5 Nanites, one per planet (upgrades from Weather Control Center)


+ Beam / Kinetic / Missile Range +10%

+ Beam / Kinetic / Missile Damage Resistance +10%

+ gets access to Temple of Valor tech (prereq: Planetary Invasion)

  • Temple of Valor improvement: Planetary Defense +25%, Resistance +25%, Level: <?>, Adj: +2 to Social Construction / Influence / Ship Construction, costs 1 Xanthium Deposit, one per planet


+ starts with 1000 additional credits

+ all planets get +1 to Raw Production


+ Social Production +200%

+ Research +200%

+ Ship Production -50%

+ Influence -95%

+ Population Growth +25%

+ can build Dream Conclave improvement (Cultural Influence)

  • Morale +10%, Influence +25%, Research +25%, Level: Morale +1 per lvl, Adj: +3 to Approval / Influence / Research, costs 5 Arnor Spice / 5 Promethion, one per player