AI Personalities

AI Personalities

AI Personalities, also known as Civilization Behaviours, affect the behavior of the Civilization when it is commanded by the AI.

Along with the other Civilization Abilities and Traits, Behaviours help to shape how the Civilization will play. Picking the right combination of Civilizations to face off against is an integral component in creating the perfect game experience for the player: pick too many aggressive factions and the game could be very difficult and overly war focused, while picking too many passive Civilizations could make the game dull for players who are more combat-oriented.

AI Personality Description
Benevolent Favors benevolent ideological choices.
Pragmatic Favors pragmatic ideological choices.
Merciless Favors malevolent ideological choices.
Aggressive They tend to look for excuses to go to war. Be careful!
Peaceful More likely to select a moderate response to diplomatic slights; and emphasize things in common to promote harmony.
Cruel Tendency to pick on weaker civilizations, and cares less about cultural animosity.
Expansionist Prioritizes opportunities to expand their empire.
Greedy Prioritizes opportunities to increase their treasury by any means.
Opportunistic If they see any weakness, they will take advantage of the opportunity.
Scientific Prioritizes technology research and trade.
Diplomatic Prioritizes effectiveness in diplomatic communication.
Cultural Values things that increase their influence in the galaxy.
Spiritual Places increased importance on ideological choices.
Trader Seeks opportunities for peaceful trade.
Xenophobic More distrustful of all Civilizations.

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