GC4 Improvement Projects Table

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Improvement Production Cost Base Effects Level Effects Adjacency Level Bonuses Requirements
Colonial Leadership Council

Establish a formal council to oversee and harness the potential of the best and brightest individuals within our civilization.[BR][BR][COLOR=UIDefaultHighlight]Unlocks Leader Screen[/COLOR]

-3 Manufacturing Cost +2 Population Cap Unavailable with flag Leaders Screen Unlocked
Strip Mine

Strip mine your world for fun and profit. Mostly profit.

-45 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Planetary Adaption
Scan Planet

We can scan our planet for the remains of crashed alien vessels.

-60 Manufacturing Cost Unlock Scan Planet required

Unavailable with counter Scan Planet

Investigate Murder

Colonists have been reported missing. Send out search parties to uncover what is happening.

-60 Manufacturing Cost Sacred World required

Unlock Investigate Murder required

Find Missing Colonists

Colonists have been reported missing. Send out search parties to uncover what is happening.

-30 Manufacturing Cost Mystery required
Manufacture Population

Produce a new Citizen for your Civilization.

-120 Manufacturing Cost

-2 Durantium Cost

Citizen Race Required:
  • Yor
Economic Stimulus

Provides 250 credits

-250 Manufacturing Cost
Produce Modules

Produces Starbase modules. Modules are required to upgrade your starbases.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Module Assembly

Provides 25 Influence

-100 Manufacturing Cost Unlock Heritage required
Aid Research

Provides 100 research. Can only be used on a planet with a Technological Capital.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Neural Mapping

Planet Improvement Required:

  • Technological Capital
Hatch Clone

Grow a new Clone citizen. Clones are almost as good as real citizens. Almost...

-2500 Manufacturing Cost

-3 Promethion Cost

Technology Required:
  • Cloning

Unavailable for Race Trait:

  • Synthetic Life
Produce Drones

Drones are required to unlock new technologies.

-250 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Drone Production
Produce Modules

Produces Starbase modules. Modules are required to upgrade your starbases.

-150 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Module Assembly
Produce Nanobots

Nanobots are required to upgrade your colonies.

-250 Manufacturing Cost Unavailable
Research Mission

Generate research by having your Shipyard study the surrounding area.

-200 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Promethion Cost

Unavailable for Race Trait:
  • Tutorial Starting Ships
Treasure Hunt

Subsidizes a private venture to unknown places to find and collect valuable artifacts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Unavailable for Race Trait:
  • Slavers Ability
  • Tutorial Starting Ships
Industrial Goods

Generate planetary production by having your Shipyard produce building materials.

-60 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Mining Missions

Scavengers claim they can find some rare resources.

-120 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Exotic Mineral Missions
Ore Traders

By contracting with our most knowledgeable traders, they claim they will bring Helios Ore.

-140 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Rare Crystal Missions
Gem Traders

These traders might not have come by their goods through completely legal means, but the results speak for themselves.

-140 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Rare Crystal Missions
Silicate Traders

Small Hyper Silicate deposits are mapped and their locations sold to the highest bidder.

-140 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Rare Crystal Missions

Generate Influence by sending out pilgrims from your shipyard.

-150 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Ultra Spice Cost

Technology Required:
  • Cultural Outreach Missions
Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-150 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Industrialization

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing0

Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-150 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Manufacturing

Counter Upgrade Manufacturing0 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing1

Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Orbital Mining

Counter Upgrade Manufacturing1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing2

Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Bioplastics

Counter Upgrade Manufacturing2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing3

Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Claytronics

Counter Upgrade Manufacturing3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing4

Upgrade Manufacturing

Increase the level of our Manufacturing Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Singularity Power Plants

Counter Upgrade Manufacturing4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Manufacturing5

Upgrade Housing

Increase the level of our Housing Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Xeno Biology

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Population1

Upgrade Housing

Increase the level of our Housing Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Extreme Colonization

Counter Upgrade Population1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Population2

Upgrade Housing

Increase the level of our Housing Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Exotic World Colonization

Counter Upgrade Population2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Population3

Upgrade Housing

Increase the level of our Housing Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Planetary Adaption

Counter Upgrade Population3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Population4

Upgrade Housing

Increase the level of our Housing Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost

-1 Durantium Cost

Technology Required:
  • Environmental Engineering

Counter Upgrade Population4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Population5

Upgrade Entertainment

Increase the level of our Entertainment Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Hyperwave Radio

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Approval1

Upgrade Entertainment

Increase the level of our Entertainment Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Entertainment

Counter Upgrade Approval1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Approval2

Upgrade Entertainment

Increase the level of our Entertainment Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Cultural Outreach

Counter Upgrade Approval2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Approval3

Upgrade Entertainment

Increase the level of our Entertainment Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Stellar Emigration

Counter Upgrade Approval3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Approval4

Upgrade Entertainment

Increase the level of our Entertainment Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Cultural Affinity

Counter Upgrade Approval4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Approval5

Upgrade Markets

Increase the level of our Financial Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Economic Development

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Wealth1

Upgrade Markets

Increase the level of our Financial Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Interstellar Trade

Counter Upgrade Wealth1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Wealth2

Upgrade Markets

Increase the level of our Financial Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Preferred Lending

Counter Upgrade Wealth2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Wealth3

Upgrade Markets

Increase the level of our Financial Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Open Trade Policy

Counter Upgrade Wealth3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Wealth4

Upgrade Markets

Increase the level of our Financial Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Galactic Trade

Counter Upgrade Wealth4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Wealth5

Upgrade Agriculture

Increase the level of our Agricultural Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Biology

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Food1

Upgrade Agriculture

Increase the level of our Agricultural Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Terraforming

Counter Upgrade Food1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Food2

Upgrade Agriculture

Increase the level of our Agricultural Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Agriculture

Counter Upgrade Food2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Food3

Upgrade Agriculture

Increase the level of our Agricultural Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Hydroponics

Counter Upgrade Food3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Food4

Upgrade Agriculture

Increase the level of our Agricultural Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Transgenic Manipulation

Counter Upgrade Food4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Food5

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Research Districts

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Research

Counter Upgrade Research required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research0

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-150 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Quantum Computing

Counter Upgrade Research0 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research1

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Computing Substrates

Counter Upgrade Research1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research2

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Neural Mapping

Counter Upgrade Research2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research3

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Artifical Brains

Counter Upgrade Research3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research4

Upgrade Research

Increase the level of our Research Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • A I Overseer

Counter Upgrade Research4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Research5

Upgrade Culture

Increase the level of our Culture Districts.

-100 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Diplomacy

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Influence1

Upgrade Culture

Increase the level of our Culture Districts.

-200 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Cultural Influence

Counter Upgrade Influence1 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Influence2

Upgrade Culture

Increase the level of our Culture Districts.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Stellar Emigration

Counter Upgrade Influence2 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Influence3

Upgrade Culture

Increase the level of our Culture Districts.

-400 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Cultural Assimilation

Counter Upgrade Influence3 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Influence4

Upgrade Culture

Increase the level of our Culture Districts.

-500 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Cultural Affinity

Counter Upgrade Influence4 required

Unavailable with counter Upgrade Influence5

Scan Planet

We can scan our planet for the remains of crashed alien vessels.

-60 Manufacturing Cost Unlock The Opportunity Scan Planet required

The Opportunity Scannable World required

Unavailable with counter Scan Planet

Broadcast Culture

Produces a Broadcast module for our Vault which can be used to broadcast our culture from a target friendly planet.

-300 Manufacturing Cost Technology Required:
  • Xeno Entertainment

Race Trait Required:

  • Synthetic Life

Planet Improvement Required:

  • Civilization Capital