Major Civilizations

Faction Name Leader Citizen Type Biology Ideology Abilities Personality Traits DLC Needed

Terran Alliance
Explorers in a Hostile Universe

  DL Bradley   


  Carbon Based   Individualism Base Game

Iconian Refuge
Remnants of a Lost Race

  Iso the Wise   


  Carbon Based   Collectivism Base Game

Torian Regime
Never again!

  Tlas Kzientha   


  Aquatic   Collectivism Base Game

Phalenoids Advance
Cycle-Bound Light Seekers



  Carbon Based   Progressivism Supernova

Baratak Grove



  Carbon Based   Collectivism Base Game

Manti Cluster

  Babble Glee   


  Aquatic   Traditionalism Base Game

Festron Hunt
The Twilight Hunt

  Gnar Nightbringer   


  Carbon Based   Collectivism Base Game

Intueri Aggregate
Galactic Witnesses



  Carbon Based   Traditionalism Supernova




  Carbon Based   Nihilism Base Game

Corporate Sector
New Markets Await

  Harondin Gaul   


  Carbon Based   Individualism Base Game

Arcean Republic
Never broken, ever vigilant.

  Lord Vega   


  Carbon Based   Traditionalism Base Game

Krynn Syndicate
Unified by Belief

  Ynrhed Eidden   

Random Citizens   

  Carbon Based   Individualism Base Game

Altarian Republic
Enlightened Leadership

  Akari Malara   


  Carbon Based   Egalitarianism Base Game

Cosmic Contaminant
Swarm, Pollute, Adapt


  Irradiated Amoeba   

  Ammonia Based   Nihilism Supernova

Drengin Empire
An Entire Galaxy to Conquer

  Lord Kona   


  Carbon Based   Totalitarianism Base Game

Mimot Brotherhood

  Walla the Second   


  Carbon Based   Pacifism Base Game

Onyx Hive
Sophisticated Worms

  Slymwr P'tosor   


  Silicon Based   Traditionalism Base Game

Korath Clan
Crushing The Weak

  Kindar A'Aghohl    


  Carbon Based   Nihilism Supernova

Drath Freehold
Moving In The Shadows

  Embryes Draken   


  Carbon Based   Individualism Base Game

Yor Singularity
The Iconian Legacy



  Synthetic   Progressivism Base Game

Luxar Dominion
Memories Remain



  Silicon Based   Collectivism Supernova

Stellar Archeologists



  Carbon Based   Progressivism Base Game

Terran Resistance
The Ones Left Behind

  Jenna Casey   


  Carbon Based   Individualism Base Game

Minor Civilizations

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