Cycle-Bound Light Seekers

Phalenoids Advance
Cultural Focus

The Phalenoids represent a faction in Galactic Civilizations IV. They are led by Étoilune.

A careful and curious race that always acts deliberately. The Phalenoid's fondness for the light, metaphorical and literal, makes them an incredibly agreeable group. They've adapted to a world where day and night are measured in months, giving rise to a culture that follows sempiternal cycles.

Phalenoids and kind and clever. Leveraging the focus of each season in the Nocturnal cycle is critical to succeeding. They rely on solid alliances and multicultural populations rather than military strength.


The Phalenoids developed near a bright star that left them fond of light. Their homeworld rotates slowly, resulting in a day-night cycle that lasts months. The Phalenoids have enshrined this long-lasting and distinct pattern into the Nocturnal cycle. Each season of the cycle brings a change of priorities that keeps the Phalenoids focused and efficient. Among the stars, they see their bright white dwarf sun as a beacon in the dark and strive to manifest this sentiment. They desire to be a stabilizing force in the universe for those needing friends and allies.

Leader & Citizens




Étoilune is the leader of the Phalenoids Advance. Holds the record for piloting a ship closest to a star and surviving.


Trait Name Effects
  • +5 Diligence
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Resolve
  • +10 Social
  • +2 Diligence

Citizens - Phalenoids


Brilliant and sociable creatures, Phalenoids excel in Intelligence and Social, but they make poor soldiers. They prefer to befriend other species. Their Approval increases when sharing their world with other species.


Global Stats
  • +1 Intelligence
  • -1 Resolve
  • +2 Social
Colony Stats
  • +0.5 Approval
  • +1 FoodCost
  • +1 Growth


Phalenoids utilize the Master_Tree. They start with the following.

  • +1500 Credits
  • +5 Colony Population
  • The Starbases tech

Star System


The home system of the Phalenoids features one class 30 homeworld, two small worlds, and four dead planets. With it's White Star Nyritia at the center.

Planet Type Class Stats
Habitable (Paradise World) Class 30 Planet
  • +5 Minerals
  • +8 Technology
  • +4 Wealth
  • +12 Farming
  • +9 Cultural Significance
Habitable (Volcanic World) Class 5 Planet
  • +0 Minerals
  • +0 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +6 Farming
  • +2 Cultural Significance
Désolée - Unlarv
Dead Class 0 Planet
  • +0 Minerals
  • +0 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +0 Cultural Significance
Désolée - Déclose
Dead Class 0 Planet
  • +0 Minerals
  • +0 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +0 Cultural Significance
Désolée - Trèspap
Dead Class 0 Planet
  • +0 Minerals
  • +0 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +0 Cultural Significance
Désolée - Quatlueur
Dead Class 0 Planet
  • +0 Minerals
  • +0 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +0 Cultural Significance
Névécaille - Unlarv
Habitable (Frozen World) Class 1 Planet
  • +1 Minerals
  • +3 Technology
  • +1 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +1 Cultural Significance

Ship Design

Callsign - Adv. The primary material of Phalenoids ships is Low Reflectivity (Bright Lights) and the secondary is High Reflectivity (Bright Lights).

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