Onyx Hive

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Sophisticated Worms

Onyx Hive
 Slymwr P'tosor
Cultural Focus

The Onyx Hive represent a faction in Galactic Civilizations IV. They are led by Slymwr P'tosor.

The Onyx Hive are a technologically sophisticated worm-like species that originated around the volcanic vents of their homeworld. With a society filled with backstabbing and intrigue, the Onyx make natural spies.

The Onyx Hive are excellent at building spaceships, adapting a large number of their designs from the asteroids in which they make their home.


The Onyx Hive is a race of sentient worm-like beings, whose civilization developed around the volcanic vents of their home planet. Finding the surface of even their own homeworld intolerable, the Onyx are now almost entirely space-based, most living in asteroids. Incredibly skilled at living in micro-gravity environments, the Onyx are excellent asteroid miners. Additionally, most of their ship and starbase designs are influenced by - or even incorporate - the asteroids upon which they live.

Leader & Citizens


Slymwr P'tosor

Slymwr P'tosor is the leader of the Onyx Hive. Owns a famous Promethion vapor bar.


Trait Name Effects
  • +5 Diligence
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Resolve
  • +10 Social

Citizens - Onyx

The Onyx have no need for organic food and sustain themselves on the energy of the universe. Onyx Hive Growth rate is dependent on the amount of Promethion their civilization holds.


Global Stats
  • +2 Diligence
  • -10 Expectations
  • -1 Intelligence
Colony Stats
  • +0.5 Approval
  • + Growth


Onyx Hive utilize the Master_Tree. They start with the following.

  • +1500 Credits
  • +5 Colony Population
  • The Starbases tech

Star System

The home system of the Onyx, an Asteroid-heavy system, containing a class 26 Mountainous world and a single small world. With it's Yellow Star Sard at the center.

Planet Type Class Stats
Habitable (Mountainous World) Class 3 Planet
  • +3 Minerals
  • +2 Technology
  • +0 Wealth
  • +0 Farming
  • +1 Cultural Significance
Onyx Prime
Habitable (Mountainous World) Class 32 Planet
  • +3 Minerals
  • +3 Technology
  • +4 Wealth
  • +2 Farming
  • +9 Cultural Significance

Ship Design

Callsign - O.H.S. The primary material of Onyx Hive ships is Non Metallic (Saturated) and the secondary is High Reflectivity (Bright Lights).