Research Tree

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Research Tree

Technological progression throughout the game is delineated using the Research Trees, also known as the Tech Navigator, where four different broad fields of research are each further broken down into individual “Techs”.

These Techs represent important technological breakthroughs, are researched one by one in sequential fashion. Achieving a breakthrough on one Tech may open up more than one follow-up Tech, causing the branches on the tree to open up into new lines of research at various points.

The four Research Trees each cover a broad range of related technological development lines, and are as follows:

  • Engineering - Exploration, Starbases, Resource Production, Logistics and Propulsion technologies.
  • Colonization - Colonization, Agriculture, Medicines, Technological Development, Precursor Archaeology and Manufacturing technologies.
  • Warfare: Military Ships, Weaponry, Defensive Systems and Invasion technologies.
  • Governance - Communications, Governmental Infrastructure, Culture, Diplomacy, Trade.

Each Tech breakthrough has a Research Point cost, and once selected as the candidate for your scientists to research, all Research points generated each month will be deducted from this number. Once the Research Point cost has been paid, a breakthrough will occur.

Each Tech will unlock new bonuses, features and abilities for your Civilization, ranging from increased production of resources, new components for Ships and Starbases, Improvements for Core Worlds, the ability to Colonize different planet types, more Trade Licenses and much more.

It is extremely important to keep apace of your rivals in the race up the Research Trees, as the higher Techs will provide particularly powerful benefits, and Civilizations that lag behind will find themselves at a severe disadvantage.


Name Description Cost Requirements Effects
 Payload Miniaturization

Missile Weapon

Reduces the amount of space our missile weapon systems use.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Defensive Studies

Defense Critical

Allows us to begin building advanced systems into our most vulnerable targets.

-42  Research

 Weaponized Probes

Critical Weapon

Augment exploration probes with weaponry.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Synthetic Ability
  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Precursor Origins

Non Military

Investigation into ancient systems could unlock new ships for our Commanders.

-126  Research

  • Allows Shard of the Mithrilar Event
  • Allows Throne of the Arnor Event
 Strong AI
Allows us to simulate our brightest minds.

-126  Research

  • Unlocks  Bob Improvement
 Battleship Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to design and build Battleship class starships.

-500  Research

  • Unlocks  Battleship Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Battleship Ship Category
  • Unlocks Large Ship Hulls
 Shield Frequency Modulation


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Quantum Torpedo System

Missile Weapon

Makes the new Quantum Torpedo Missile system available for ship designs.

-350  Research

  • Unlocks  Triton Torpedoes Ship Component


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-152  Research

 Shield Harmonics


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-500  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Fleet Shield Tech
 Cascading Detonations

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Martial Law Doctrine
Unlocks new policies.

-152  Research

 Beam Capacitation

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Directed Energy Weapons

Beam Weapon

Allows construction of basic energy beam weapons.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Enhanced Particle Beam Ship Component
 Central Authority Offices
Allows us to manage the transportation of goods to and from our worlds.

-80  Research

  • -.12 Supply Attrition

Kinetic Weapon

Allows construction of basic Kinetic weapon.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Railgun Ship Component
 Kinetic Weapon Targeting

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Pulse Cannon Ship Component
 Trade Pacts

Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-80  Research

 Systems Of Control


New tools will allow us to control our aspects of our civilization.

-60  Research

 Phased Energy Magnification

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-390  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Pulse Cannons

Kinetic Weapon

Makes Pulse Cannon system available for ship designs.

-152  Research

  • Unlocks  Pulse Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Pulse Cannon Starbase Module
 Secret Police
Our populace may hate these tactics, but criminals hate them even more.

-102  Research

  • -0.1  Crime
 Serrated Munitions

Kinetic Weapon

Improves our kinetic weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Interstellar Trade

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-42  Research

 Kinetic Weapon Enhancement

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Railgun Ship Component

Non Military Critical

Improves our diplomatic capabilities and allows us to recruit more Commanders.

-42  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
 Phoenix Missile System

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Phoenix Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Harpoon Salvo Starbase Module
 Financial Sectors

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-80  Research

 Exotic Armor Materials


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-276  Research

 Domestic Policy Doctrine

Non Military

Unlocks new policies.

-42  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-60  Research

 Diamonic Armor Composite


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Improved Missile Targeting

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Harpoon Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Predictive Targeting Ship Component
 Dual Stage Detonations

Missile Weapon

Improves our missile weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Dream of Utopia

Non Military

Increases homeworld influence by a massive amount every month.

-3200  Research

  • +10  Influence Growth
  • +3 Culture Points
 Photonic Alignment

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-50  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Neutrino Emitter Ship Component
 Dreadlord Weapons

Kinetic Weapon

Dreadlord technology provides a powerful boost to our weapons.

-300  Research

  • +30%  Beam Attack
  • +30%  Missile Attack
  • +30%  Kinetic Attack
 Kinetic Weapon Mastery

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-390  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Energy Deflection Theory


Basic shields will allow our ships to absorb incoming damage.

-60  Research

  • Unlocks  Shield Generators Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Advanced Shield Generators Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Barrier Array Starbase Module
 Terror Stars

Defense Critical

Allows us to construct Terror Stars. Time for some cosmic horror.

-1200  Research

 Orbital Repair

Critical Hulls

Unlocks Caretaker ships which can repair our fleets.

-80  Research

  • +4  Logistics
  • Unlocks  Repair Bay Ship Component
 Null Point Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Zero Point Armor Ship Component
 Shared Ideology

Non Military

Make our civilization unique.

-200  Research

  • +2 Culture Points
 Disruptor Beams

Beam Weapon

Unlocks a new, more lethal, beam weapon component for our ship designs.

-152  Research

  • Unlocks  Disruptor Bank Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Disruptor Bank Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Experimental Disruptor Bank Ship Component
 Beam Weapon Enhancement

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Advanced Missile Doctrine

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Drone Soldiers


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-126  Research

  • +0.1  Soldiering
 Political Capital

Non Military Critical

Provides us with a wealth of diplomatic capital to trade.

-150  Research

 The Invisible Hand

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-30  Research

 Xeno Theology

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-102  Research

 Armed Shuttles

Critical Weapon

Allows construction of armed spacecraft. Provides two free warships.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • Blocked by  Unrelenting Ability
  • Blocked by  Synthetic Ability
  • +1 Guardian
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Xeno Commerce

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-80  Research

  • Allows Galactic Silk Road Event
  • Allows The Board (part 2) Event
  • Allows The Board (part 3) Event
  • Allows  Unregulated Corporations Policy
 Divine Essence

Non Military

We can become one with the universe.

-80  Research

 Kinetic Augmentation

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Quantum Pulse Driver

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Quantum Driver kinetic weapon system available for our ship designs.

-350  Research

 Digital Exchange

Trade Critical

Increases the efficacy of trade between colonies and other species.

-80  Research

  • +5%  Gross Income
 Missile Warfare Mastery

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-390  Research

 Cultural Synthesis

Non Military

Assimilate other cultures into our own to amplify our own. Unlocks the Broadcast Culture project.

-26  Research

 Planetary Defenses


Improves our ability to defend our worlds against invasions.

-102  Research

  • +25  Planetary Defenses
 Galactic Trade

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-102  Research



Allows construction of carrier modules.

-90  Research

  • Unlocks  Carrier Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Interceptors Starbase Module
 Spectrum Amplification

Beam Weapon

Improves our laser weapons.

-72  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Interstellar Banking

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-60  Research



Allows the construction of larger hull sizes.

-0  Research

 Colonial Governance

Non Military

Unlocks new policies.

-60  Research

  • +1  Max Enacted Policies
 Shield Augmentation


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-180  Research

 Nightmare Missile System

Missile Weapon

Makes a very lethal new missile weapon system available for our ship designs.

-432  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-250  Research

 Missile Payload Optimization

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Matadrox Missile Ship Component
 Invulnerability Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Invulnerability Field Ship Component
 Energy Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Barrier Fields Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Advanced Barrier Fields Ship Component
 Organic Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Kanvium Laminate Ship Component
 Universal Translator

Universal Translator Critical

Allows us to begin communicating with aliens, and use the Galactic Bazaar.

-20  Research

  • +3  Trade Licenses Max
  • Research Translator
  • Allows You murdered a hatchery Event
  • Allows Using pods to enslave your own people Event
  • Allows Diplomatic Drug Catastrophe Event
  • Allows Theft of the Cosmic Eye Event
  • Allows Massacre of the Larval Kin Event
  • Allows Marsupial Enslavement Event
  • Allows Desecration Crystal Kin Event
  • Allows Deadly Appetite Event
  • Allows Weakened the Fleshlings Event
  • Allows Our citizen was injured Event
  • Allows Underworld Gratitude Event
  • Allows Our citizen was harmed on your planet Event
  • Allows Distinguished Visitor Injured Event
  • Allows Artemis: A Business Boom Event
  • Allows Your work on Artemis Event
  • Allows Path of Pacifism Event
  • Allows Legacy of Exploration Event
  • Allows Admiration for the Conqueror Event
  • Allows Dismay at your blood lust desires Event
  • Allows You are a rising crime lord Event
  • Allows You're enslaving the natives Event
  • Allows You are our kind of evil Event
  • Allows Your support of the natives Event
  • Allows A Questionable Pact Event
  • Allows Nebula Mining Proposition Event
  • Allows Relic Recovery Request Event
  • Allows Proposition for Swift Passage Event
  • Allows Subspace Wave Collaboration Event
  • Allows Proposed Ceasefire Agreement Event
  • Allows Proposed Ceasefire Agreement Event
  • Allows Ultimatum for Survival Event
  • Allows Divine Intervention Offer Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows Request for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows A Plea for Ceasefire Event
  • Allows ' Event
  • Allows The Exile Event
  • Allows Technology Exchange Event
  • Allows Space Creature Migration Event
  • Allows Alternate Energy Source Event
  • Allows Refugees of disaster Event
  • Allows Disputed Territory Event
  • Allows Damaged Trade Ship Event
  • Allows The Dreadlord Artifact Event
  • Allows Failed Colonization Effort Event
  • Allows Enemy of the state Event
  • Allows Invasive Species Event
  • Allows Cultural Invasion Event
  • Allows Cultural Exchange Festival Event
  • Allows The Pilgrimage Proposal Event
  • Allows The Ghastly Request Event
  • Allows The Bloody Proposal Event
  • Allows Deepwater Festival Event
  • Allows Deep Water Event
  • Allows The Way Event
  • Allows Dream Spies Event
  • Allows Weapons of War Event
  • Allows Special Offer Event
  • Allows Persuasion Workshop Event
  • Allows Crystal Resonance Event
  • Allows Refugees Event
  • Allows Borderworld Crime Event
  • Allows Culture Wars Event
  • Allows Request for Support Event
  • Allows The Everwar Event
  • Allows Against the Tide Event
  • Allows Festron Survivors Event
  • Allows Drengin Prison Event
  • Allows Sleeper Ship Event
  • Allows Cryogenic Tank Event
  • Allows Choose a Side Event
  • Allows Scrap Dealer Event
  • Allows Lost Torians Event
  • Allows Krynn Missionaries Event
  • Allows Baratak Guardians Event
  • Allows Xeloxi Smugglers Event
  • Allows Torian Scientists Event
  • Allows Manti Cluster Event
  • Allows Stolen Drive Event
  • Allows Fleeing Scientist Event
  • Allows Ambassador's Ship Event
  • Allows Fragile Rift Event
  • Allows Mimots Faux Pas Event
  • Allows Market Collapse Event
  • Allows Torian Terrorist Event
  • Allows Kurja Gladiator Event
  • Allows Archive Location Event
  • Allows Investigation Event
  • Allows Meeting New Species Event
  • Allows Galactic Tourism Initiative Event
  • Unlocks  Heritage Center Improvement
  • Unlocks  Cultural District Improvement
  • Unlocks  Harmonious Antennae Improvement
  • Unlocks  Prismatic Learning Matrix Improvement
  • Allows  Export Food Policy
  • Unlocks  Cargo Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Freighter Ship Category
  • Unlocks  Cultural Awareness Center Starbase Module
  • Unlocks  The Media Alliance Think Tank
  • Unlocks  Banking Clan Think Tank
  • Unlocks  Minister of Tourism
 Interstellar Currency

Non Military

Allows the construction of markets in Starbases.

-60  Research

 Graviton Guns

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Graviton kinetic weapon system available for ship designs.

-242  Research

  • Unlocks  Graviton Gun Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Graviton Vulcan Gun Ship Component
 Starship Refits

Hulls Critical

Allows ships to be upgraded with the best equipment as well as travel much faster in friendly territory.

-75  Research

  • +25%  Moves
  • Ship Refitting Unlocked
 Preferred Lending

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-60  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-102  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
 Extreme Miniaturization

Hulls Critical

Adds additional component slots on hulls based on its total mass.

-250  Research

  • +1  Capacity
  • +15%  Capacity
 Blackhole Gun

Kinetic Weapon

Makes the Singularity driver available for our ship designs.

-432  Research

 The Calling
Allows construction of the Krynniac Mission.

-102  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Path Tech
 Trade Networks

Wealth Critical

Begin building trade networks. Provides a free Freighter .

-26  Research

 Kinetic Discharge Miniaturization

Kinetic Weapon

Reduces the size of our kinetic weapon systems.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Self-Healing Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Individual Divinity
Empowering citizens to ascend to godhood. Citizens will see their stats increased 0.1 per month.

-1200  Research

  • +1  Moves
  • +1  Intelligence
  • +1  Diligence
  • +1  Social Skills
  • +1  Resolve
 Interstellar Markets

Non Military

Expansion of trade across to new civilizations.

-330  Research

  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +5000  Diplomatic Capital
 Economic Singularity
Improves the Income on your worlds.

-1050  Research

  • +10%  Gross Income
 Negotiation Algorithms

Non Military

Improves our communication skills with inferior beings.

-42  Research

 Colonial Bureaucracy

Non Military

Allows us to begin building Bureaucratic Offices to manage our growing civilization.

-26  Research

 Xeno Entertainment

Non Military

Begin specializing Entertainers on our worlds.

-100  Research

 Beam Weapon Augmentation

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-90  Research

 Antimatter Detonation

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-276  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Antimatter Bomb Ship Component
 Defensive Trance
Greatly increase the abilities of our ships to withstand damage.

-60  Research

  • +0.2  Beam Resistance
  • +0.2  Kinetic Resistance
  • +0.2  Missile Resistance
 Tempered Armor


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Hyperwave Radio

Non Military

Allows instant communication across infinite distances, adds a Flagship to your fleet.

-12  Research

 Evasive Tactics

Defense Critical

Unlocks Weapon Jammers which can increase the evasion of our ships.

-50  Research

  • +5  Evasion
  • Unlocks  Weapon Jammer Ship Component
 The Order
Allows construction of the Krynniac Order and Sanctuary.

-126  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Calling Tech
 Improved Missile Production

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Shadow Trade
Increases the Income of trade routes, by allowing the trade of dubious goods.

-126  Research

  • +25%  Trade Route Income
  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
 Gravimetric Shields


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
  • Unlocks  Force Fields Ship Component

Non Military

Allows research of communications technologies.

-0  Research

 Improved Kinetic Weapon Doctrine

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-210  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Inertia Enhancement

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-312  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
Defensive Meditation Allows construction of the Champion's Temple.

-60  Research

  • +0.05  Soldiering
  • +0.05  Planetary Defense
 Thermal Blooming

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-380  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Cultural Conquest

Non Military

Greatly Increases the spread of our colonies' Influence. (Capstone)

-800  Research

  • +10%  Influence Growth
 Flexible Bulkheads

Hulls Critical

Allows us to fit more components on ship designs.

-200  Research

  • +1  Capacity
  • +10%  Capacity
 Shield Regeneration


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-152  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
Increase starbase range, and Awards one free Frigate.

-60  Research

  • +2  Starbase Range
  • +1 Frigate
 High Energy Transfer

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
 Phasor Beams

Beam Weapon

Makes Phasor based beam weapons available for our ship designs.

-350  Research

  • Unlocks  Phased Cannons Ship Component
 Improved Armor Science


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-80  Research

  • +15%  Armor Rating
 Beam Weapon Miniaturization

Beam Weapon

Reduces the size of our beam weapons.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +1  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Experimental Plasma Pod Ship Component
 Stellar Resorts

Non Military

Provide the most popular entertainment for your worlds.

-150  Research

  • +3 Culture Points
 Armor Material Science


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Carbon Crystal Plating Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Thulium Alloy Armor Ship Component
 Exotic Mass Weaponry

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-276  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
Divine Fleets Allows for the construction of the Divine Temple Support Module.

-60  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires Jihad Tech
  • Unlocks  Divine Temple Module Ship Component
 Technological Singularity


Results in a compounding increase to all our research every month on our capital world.

-1980  Research

  • +10%  Research
  • +10%  Research
 The Path of Shadows
Allows construction of the Shadow Temple.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Influence Growth
 Battle Cruiser Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to build and design Cruiser class starships.

-100  Research

  • Unlocks  Cruiser Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Cruiser Ship Category
  • Unlocks Medium Ship Hulls
 Cultural Outreach

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-200  Research

 Sovereign Immunity

Non Military

Allows us to use our largest commander ships.

-126  Research

 Space Weapons

Critical Weapon

Provides access to some basic weapons for space combat.

-12  Research

  • Unlocks  Particle Beam Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Helios Rockets Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Gauss Cannon Ship Component
 Adaptive Armor Improvements


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
 Leadership Recruiting

Non Military Critical

Start putting your leaders to more effective use.

-26  Research

 The Way
Allows construction of the Krynniac Oracle.

-152  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  The Order Tech
 Armor Defense Theory


Advanced Armor helps mitigate damage from attacks.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Armor Rating
  • Unlocks  Titanium Plating Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Durantium Composite Starbase Module
 Cultural Assimilation

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-600  Research

 Advanced Composites

Critical Hulls

Increase the capabilities of our shipyards.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Hit Points
 Interstellar Cabinet

Non Military Critical

Makes available more Ministers.

-80  Research

 Energy Dissipation Strategies


By deflecting the incoming energy, our Shields have less to resist.

-80  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Shield Enhancements


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-126  Research

  • +10%  Shield Strength
 Hyper Field Mass Drivers

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
 Stellar Emigration

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-400  Research

Jihad Allows Holy War to commence.

-60  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • +1 Cruiser
 Xeno Religions

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-60  Research

 Colonial Law And Policy

Non Military

Reduces Crime across our civilization.

-50  Research

 Cultural Affinity

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-800  Research

 Space Doctrine

Defense Critical

Unlocks Frigate class ships and the ability for ships and starbases to auto-volley.

-35  Research

  • +1  Max Enacted Policies
  • Can Auto Fire Weapons
  • Allows  Starship Specifications Policy
  • Unlocks  Frigate Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Siege Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Frigate Ship Category
  • Allows  Siege Ship Category
  • Unlocks Small Ship Hulls
 Stellar Marines


Improves our ability to invade worlds.

-102  Research

  • +0.1  Soldiering
 Adaptive Missile System

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Really Late Stage Capitalism

Wealth Trade

First step to ensuring our currency is the galactic reserve currency.

-30  Research

  • Requires  Traders Ability
  • Requires  Governance Tech
 Coordinated Travel
Every ten turns, our ships' movement increases until they can traverse the galaxy nearly instantly.

-2200  Research

  • +1  Moves
  • +1  Moves
 Missile Warfare Doctrine

Missile Weapon

Increases the power of our Missile weapons.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
 Orbital Ship Assembly

Critical Hulls

Allows for more effective starship construction.

-102  Research

  • +10%  Capacity
 Doom Ray

Beam Weapon

Makes the Doom Ray available. It is exactly what it sounds like.

-432  Research

 Plasma Beams

Beam Weapon

Unlocks Plasma based beam weapon components for our ship designs.

-242  Research

 Dreadnought Doctrine

Hulls Critical

Allows us to design and build Dreadnought class starships.

-800  Research

  • Unlocks  Dreadnought Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Dreadnought Ship Category
  • Unlocks Huge Ship Hulls
 Armor Density Improvements


Advancements in materials technology provides us with lighter and stronger Armor.

-180  Research

 Predictive Processors
Increases the Intelligence of our citizens.

-242  Research

  • +1  Intelligence
 Mithrilarian Epics

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-152  Research

 Photonic Warhead System

Missile Weapon

Makes available the Photonic Missile system for our ship designs.

-242  Research

  • +10%  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Photonic Warhead Ship Component
  • Unlocks  MeleraX Warhead Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Photonic Torpedo Array Starbase Module
 Economic Development

Non Military

Provides economic growth for our civilization.

-42  Research

 Shield Focus Adaption


Advancements in energy technology provides us with stronger shields.

-276  Research

 Forged Beam Weapons

Beam Weapon

Increases the power of our Beam weapons.

-70  Research

  • +10%  Beam Attack
  • +1  Beam Attack
  • Unlocks  Enhanced Plasma Pod Ship Component


Allows formation of assimilation treaties.

-210  Research

 Interstellar Investments

Non Military

Advancing galactic-scale investment strategies.

-330  Research

  • +1  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +2  Trade Licenses Max
  • +5000  Diplomatic Capital
 Consensus Maker


Our diplomatic skills will increase every month.

-1800  Research

  • +3  Diplomacy Bonus
  • +3  Diplomacy Bonus
 Planetary Invasion

Invasion Critical

Allows the construction of Invasion Transports which are vital for invading core worlds.

-90  Research

  • Allows  Conscription Policy
  • Unlocks  Transport Module Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Spore Module Ship Component
  • Allows  Invader Ship Category

Critical Weapon

Provide a prototype Siege ship to conquer small enemy worlds.

-12  Research

  • Requires  Unrelenting Ability
  • Requires  Warfare Tech
  • +1 Siege
  • +1 Sniper
  • Allows  Shipyard Stimulus Policy
  • Unlocks  Lasers Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Hypersonic Missile Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Star Cannon Ship Component
  • Unlocks  Chaff Ship Component
  • Allows  Fighter Ship Category
  • Allows  Bomber Ship Category
 Glorious Legacy

Non Military

Provides ultimate understanding of the Precursors. Increases our influence every month until the universe is ours.

-2200  Research

  • +2 Culture Points
  • +10%  Influence Growth
 The Path
Allows construction of the Krynniac Temple and Ministry.

-80  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  Xeno Religions Tech
 Mass Manipulation

Kinetic Weapon

Increases the power of our Kinetic weapons.

-600  Research

  • +10%  Kinetic Attack
 Cultural Domination

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-800  Research

 Mascrinthus and Draginol

Non Military

Faith may help lead us into the next era.

-180  Research

 Weapon Systems

Critical Weapon

Allows for better integration of our newly invented space weapons.

-16  Research

  • +1  Beam Attack
  • +1  Kinetic Attack
  • +1  Missile Attack
  • Unlocks  Targeting Computer Ship Component
 Unbroken Spirit
Boost the Hitpoints of our ships.

-60  Research

  • +15%  Hit Points
 Xeno Economics

Non Military

Improves the Income on your worlds.

-60  Research

 Planetary Mobilization

Defense Critical

Allows us to put our citizens to greater use.

-35  Research

 Avenger Missile System

Missile Weapon

Allows construction of basic Missile weapons.

-42  Research

  • Unlocks  Avenger Ship Component
 Open Trade Policy

Wealth Trade

Increase the reach of our trade networks.

-80  Research



Improves our ability to defend our worlds against invasions.

-126  Research

  • +10  Planetary Defenses
 Defensive Discipline
Makes our ships' crews more effective when in defensive maneuvers.

-60  Research

  • +0.2  Evasion
 Black Market
Lets us build a Black Market.

-126  Research

 Shadow Enforcers
Allows construction of the Enforcement Temple.

-102  Research


Non Military

Increase our diplomatic capabilities.

-42  Research

  • Requires  Emissaries Tech
  • Blocked by  Synthetic Ability
 Cultural Influence

Non Military

Begin spreading our Influence throughout the galaxy.

-150  Research



Allows our citizens to work as one. Each month their diligence increases significantly.

-1810  Research

 Krynniac Conversion
Increase tourism income and influence on all our worlds.

-126  Research

  • Requires  Devout Ability
  • Requires  Ancient Ability
  • Requires  Xeno Theology Tech
  • +0.2  Tourism
  • +25%  Influence Growth
 Orbital Deployment Mastery
Increase the capabilities of our shipyards.

-180  Research

  • +10%  Hit Points
 Xeno Hospitality

Non Military

Enhances inter-species understanding and trade efficiency.

-42  Research